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Clubhouse Virtual Events

7 videos
Updated 3 months ago
For more information: visit Dr. Criniti is known as a virtual superhost! As the firestarter behind the longest running room on Clubhouse (stages for 84 days straight) impacting over 1,000,000 people, he hosted some of the largest and most popular stages on Clubhouse for about 2.5 years. Dr. Criniti is known as a virtual superhost! As the firestarter behind the longest running room on Clubhouse (stages for 84 days straight) impacting over 1,000,000 people, he hosted some of the largest and most popular stages on Clubhouse for about 2.5 years. Dr. Criniti hosted these rooms every Friday from about 6 PM to 12 midnight EST for free to the public in his exclusive The Finance Club and The Dr. Finance® Masterclass Club. The main guest speaker usually started at around 7pm EST and was there for about 2 hours. Some of his past guests have included: Jay Abraham, Les Brown, Bob Burg, Jim Cathcart, Grant Cardone, Dan Clark, Stephen M. R. Covey IV, Don Green (CEO of the Napoleon Hill Foundation), Mark Victor Hansen, Kevin Harrington (Shark Tank), Brad Lea, Michael & Sharon Lechter (coauthor of Rich Dad Poor Dad), David Meltzer, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Alec Stern, Tim Storey, Denis Waitley, Brandon Webb (Navy Seal Instructor), and many more leaders in their field...
  1. 1
    How To Close Anyone? Sales Masterclass - The Dr. Finance® Masterclass Featuring Brad Lea
  2. 2
    Leadership 101: How to Inspire the World? The Dr. Finance® Masterclass Featuring Stephen Covey
  3. 3
    How To Sell Everything? Sales Masterclass - The Dr. Finance® Masterclass Featuring Jeffrey Gitomer
  4. 4
    How to Be a Great Clubhouse Speaker? The Dr. Finance® Masterclass Featuring Dan Clark
  5. 5
    How to Run a Successful Business? The Dr. Finance® Masterclass Featuring Forbes Riley
  6. 6
    How to Be a Rockstar Entrepreneur? The Dr. Finance® Masterclass Featuring Ryan Blair
  7. 7
    What Is the Secret to Attracting Money? The Dr. Finance® Masterclass Featuring Dr. Joe Vitale