Update on MISSING CHILDREN Kaurna Land - Adelaide SA

2 years ago

Matthew and Nathaniel Dance have been missing, lost to their devoted loving natural Mother and Father Jasmine and Winston Dance since they were unlawfully and completely unnecessarily abducted by Carly Crossly and her professional child abduction team from the corporate Department of Child 'Protection' Murray Bridge October 7th 2021. Phone: Phone: 1800 330 042 (freecall)
Phone: 8535 6200
1-5 Seventh Street
Murray Bridge SA 5253

Fax: 8535 6222

Here you can visit the DCP corporate directory to see a list of their many offices that are criminally trespassing here in the Sovereign First Nations without permission to trade. Child harvesting is BIG BUSINESS!


This is the link to the first report of The Dance Family's missing little boys from Jan 20th 2022. How is this story not international news? These boys are a 5th stolen generation, this family the victims of systemic and deliberately targeted GENOCIDE against the real Original Sovereign people of Terra Australis. .


Link to the lawful public notice re: the immediate return of Matthew and Nathaniel as sent to Cathy Taylor acting CEO of the department for child protection. Still no response from Cathy.


Please share this story far and wide. Getting these boys home safe to their loving mum and dad, so this family can be left in peace to start to heal now is all of our responsibility as a caring, connected community of REAL CHILD PROTECTORS.

Please call and write to DCP Murray Bridge and head office and ask that they action our lawful people's order immediate and return The Dance Family Boys, BOTH OF THEM, to their loving mum and dad today. No excuses, no delays.

Return the children NOW! You might be surprised Carly, it actually feels good to genuinely help people, rather than to fake caring while in reality you are destroying peoples lives.

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