FREE FULL COURSE Full Stack Web Development with Vue Js, NodeJS, MongoDB, JS

2 years ago


Full-stack web development with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, NodeJS, MongoDB, and Express Js are some of the things you can do with this company.

What you’ll learn

Full Stack Web Development with Vue Js, NodeJS, MongoDB, JS

How to use Vue and Vue JS to build a web application.

Vue, vue js, vuejs, nuxt, vue.js, vue 3, nuxt js, and vuex are all terms for the same thing.

What exactly is Vue JS?

The most crucial Vuejs topics.

How to use Vue-router in Vue js to build a multi-page web app.

Learn how can we use vuex to handle the data in our application?

How to use vue and vuex to create the biggest and most complex apps with ease.

Vue js includes a variety of features to let you construct a comprehensive single-page application or just add interactivity to an existing program.

Take a look at Vue js if you’re seeking a JavaScript web framework that won’t overwhelm you with complexity.

Vuejs is a framework that accomplishes what previous frameworks have done before but in a new and easy-to-use style.

What are Javascript variables and why do you need them?

What is Boolean Logic in Javascript?

How to use JS in HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

How to utilize conditional statements in Javascript (if else, switch case, ternary operator).

What are the distinctions between Function Declaration and Function Expression and how to build Javascript Functions?

What are Javascript loops (for loops, while loops, continue, and break commands) and how do you utilize them in your code?

How to make Arrays in Javascript, Array methods (push, pop, shift, unshift…), and Array iteration

How to build and update Javascript objects, as well as to object methods.

What is the Document Object Model (DOM) and how may it be used in Javascript?

The text-based computer programming language JavaScript is used to create dynamic web pages.

What is JavaScript, and how does it work? JavaScript is a prototype-based, curly-braced, dynamically typed object-oriented programming language.

JavaScript is a computer language that enables users to interact with the websites they visit, making it a crucial language for web development.


The ” Full Stack Web Development with Vue Js, NodeJS, MongoDB, and JS ” course is now available.

Full Stack Web Development using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, NodeJS, MongoDB, and Express Js using Vue and Vuejs projects.
Vue (pronounced “view”) is a JavaScript (JS) frontend development framework for creating web-based user interfaces.
Take a look at Vue.js if you’re seeking a JavaScript web framework that won’t overwhelm you with complexity.
Vue.js takes what previous frameworks have done before and does it in a new and user-friendly manner. You may concentrate on your application rather than your framework when you use Vue.js.
For internet applications, JavaScript is a critical programming language.
This is how, not simply how, a JavaScript code works. Because, in today’s JavaScript environment, you must be able to troubleshoot this subject and understand all written JavaScript code in addition to writing it.

What is the microservices architecture, and how can it be implemented using Node.JS?

Microservices architecture is a strategy or style of software development that starts with single-function modules. You may use Node.js as the language of choice for one, part, or all of the microservices in a microservices architecture (or modules). The beauty of microservices is that you can use any language you choose for each one. Node.js, on the other hand, would be a strong competitor if highly scalable, rapid applications are required.

What exactly is HTML, and why is it so crucial?

HTML is an abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language. Every website you visit, whether on a mobile device or a PC, is built using HTML. HTML is a “formatting language,” not a “programming language.” It tells a browser how to render text, pictures, and other media. HTML has become a lot more complicated and dynamic in the last few years, allowing front-end developers to make any layout or arrangement they want.

What occupations make use of HTML?

Basic mastery of HTML is required for almost any programming or design job. HTML has also grown significantly since its inception; it is now considerably more complicated and standardized than it was before. As a result, even people who have spent entire careers as HTML specialists may require an HTML refresher from time to time. Web design, web development, or layout and design are the most common HTML-related employment. Someone who administers a content management system like WordPress, for example, may not need to know any additional programming languages but should have a fundamental understanding of HTML. They may not need to be web designers or developers, but they might need to know the basics of HTML.

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