The BEST DECISION you EVER MADE - JIM ROHN - Thinkcast Podcast

2 years ago

Jim Rohn shares powerful word about making decisions and follow thru.

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now some decisions are incidental and some are small and some you know are are part of a working day but sometimes decision making can be one of the most important days of your life maybe a decision you've postponed and postponed and now you understand the penalty of postponing that decision you've got to do something and finally you come to the conclusion today is the day i now decide and whether you decide on a new direction whether you decide on a refinement in philosophy uh whether you decide to act when before you haven't acted uh you decide on a on a series of things that you're going to do you decide deciding can be such an incredibly important uh very exciting inspirational day also deciding sometimes starts the process of lifting our self-esteem sometimes when you look back on it uh the day that you decided uh was just about as exciting as the day when you finally accomplished the project that when you finally made the decision you finally got the monkey off your back as we say in english you finally you know got through whatever barriers kept you from making that decision and finally you made a decision and now it seems like the sky is blue and the air is clear and your mind is ready and you know the adrenaline starts to flow things start to happen to you from that moment of decision so that can be an incredible source of inspiration now if you don't follow through it's not going to last all that long if you decide and then you know postpone and and you decide and but you don't still don't get to it for a week or a month or a year you know soon all that energy and that source of inspiration is all dissipated so deciding is inspiring but but not for that long but once you decide it can be a very powerful day but now of course now you must follow through but if there's some things you've been postponing uh some decisions you have just you know haven't gotten to uh i would ask you to just you know take out your journal and just go through you know what have i been postponing that's not going to be better for my health it's not going to be better for my future it's not going to enhance my finances uh maybe a problem needs to be solved i got to decide when i'm going to do it and and how i'm going to proceed i need to get to it i promise you if you'll go through some of that list and start making those decisions your inspiration will start to flow and those could be very critically important exciting days indecision is the thief of opportunity uh indecision means the door is still closed uh indecision means the opportunity waits uh indecision means what could be is postponed or may never be you know that those are all the penalties of indecision and sometimes we can't make a snap judgment we can't decide immediately on something so important but after a while after a while we must understand sometimes they have a penalty of putting off our our decision making so one source of inspiration deciding here's the next one planning now that you've decided and you've started you start making plans it's in incredible what can happen as a source of inspiration when finally what's in your head what's in your imagination now finally starts to take shape on paper when i first heard about network marketing i was 25 years old and i heard some of the testimonials and i heard that people have gotten rich and i've heard that it's changed people's lives and i've heard that you could start with nothing and become something but let me tell you what was exciting when i finally made the decision yes i was going to be part of the industry yes i was going to make it part of my marketing future what was really exciting was when i sat down and started making plans i started committing imagination and belief to paper i started writing it down i started started as we often do drawing those circles you know what if i had five what if i had ten and then when i had a concept of what that could bring for me then i said how can i reach the first five how can i reach the first ten uh what could i do starting to make those plans i'm telling you i remember those days as if they were yesterday they were so exciting i had a concept of what i wanted i had a dream of of what could happen for me if it could happen for others maybe it could happen for me but when i started putting it on paper and started making the plans that was

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