German mainstream media report: Vaxx injuries, underreporting, gaslighting, abandonment (EN subs)

2 years ago

This report was shown on the German broadcaster Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR) on February 22nd, 2022. Its title: 'Long way: Compensation after corona vaccination'.

Again we see a report of a similar situation in Germany as everywhere else:

- Severe, debilitating side-effects of the COVID injections
- Doctors reluctant to acknowledge and report side-effects being caused by the jab, even though they're obligated (but not compensated) to. This leads to gaslighting of the injured and forces to file the reports themselves.
- Severe underreporting of side-effects, causing the (early) warning system to be both ineffective and untrustworthy
- Severe overestimation of the risk of COVID, leading to a severely misguided risk-benefit trade-off.
- Governments overreach forcing citizens/slaves to get a life-threatening medical procedure in direction contradiction to the Nuremberg Code and fundamental civil rights. No jab, no job. No bodily autonomy. Rape by injection.
- Even proof of a previous severe vaxx injury, which is a good predictor of increased risk of future injuries, is not sufficient to be exempted from medical dictatorship.
- No medical or financial help for vaxx injured

The report mentions a severe adverse event reporting rate of 0.02% per dose. Assuming that only 1 in 40 adverse events gets reported and 3 doses per person, the chance of getting a severe adverse event is 0.02% * 40 * 3 = 2,4%. This is about 1 in 42 vaccinated people.

The Nordic countries have a significantly better registry, providing them a less bad early warning system. However, countries apparently don't learn from each other. If Germany has no adequate early warning system, it will just continue claiming the injections are safe, instead of learning from other countries who have whose early warning system has already sounded the alarm.


Why vaxx injured feel abandoned - Vaxx injuries FINALLY reported in German mainstream media (subs)

German broadcaster removes hundreds of comments reporting vaxx injuries (German, no subtitles)


Subtitles by Frank Ploegman.

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