Food poisoning in a dog.

2 years ago

Food poisoning in a dog.
The dog with food poisoning is a more common situation than you think. Many guardians like to give a little bit of food for the pet during meals thinking that it does no harm. However, it is necessary to be careful with what is being offered. Many of the things we eat are forbidden foods for dogs. Their ingestion can lead to a serious case of food poisoning in dogs. In addition, there are those little dogs that do not miss the opportunity to snack on any food by going soft in the kitchen.
The intoxication occurs when the animal ingests some toxic substance. We can see a dog intoxicated by lead or even by medication. However, the most common situation on a daily basis is that of a dog intoxicated after eating something it shouldn't have. Food poisoning in dogs can be caused by foods found in our kitchen. The ingestion of forbidden dog foods primarily affects the organs of the digestive system. These foods have toxic substances that, when absorbed by the dog's body, bring consequences, most of them related to gastrointestinal symptoms.
Food poisoning in dogs is dangerous and the best way to prevent this is to take care of the pet's diet. It is very important that the guardian knows what foods you can not give to the dog to prevent consumption. Many of the forbidden foods for dogs are those that are present in our daily lives.
Chocolate, besides hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, can cause convulsions in the dog. Carambola can cause kidney failure. Macadamia and nutmeg also cause intoxication. Onions cause hemolysis (death of red blood cells), leading to death with recurrent use. There is no proof, but there are reports that grapes cause renal alteration. Also, be aware of some plants that are toxic to dogs: plants such as St. George's Sword, Anthurium, Hydrangea, Lily, Violets, and Adam's Rib are dangerous.
When seeing a dog with food poisoning, what to do? The most important thing is to take him to the vet. Only there the specialist will know how serious it is and what should be done. However, the guardian can follow some recommendations that will help the pet. First of all, if you see the animal with food in its mouth, remove it immediately. Pay attention to the symptoms and, in case of convulsion, move away the furniture nearby to avoid accidents.
Try to know which of the forbidden foods for dogs your doguinho ate. By making this identification, it is much easier to understand the animal's symptoms and know what treatment should be followed. Also, try to find out how much food was ingested. The larger the portion, the more severe the condition. Finally, write down how long the food has been ingested. This information will help the specialist to find the ideal treatment.
Many people say that offering milk to the intoxicated dog helps detoxification. But this is a myth! Milk is bad for the dog and can worsen the condition. In some cases, it can even lead the pet to death. Another solution often found on the Internet to cure food poisoning in dogs is inducing vomiting. The recommendation of veterinarians is not to try to make the animal expel the food. It is not in all cases of intoxicated dogs that induction should be performed. Only the vet will know if it is necessary and, if it is, he is the one who should perform the procedure.

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