Learn how to become a better straight ball bowler #12 with Dann the CD born MAN on 4-3-22. 12 bowl video

2 years ago

I bowled 18 games with avg of 164. straight ball with 4 plastic 10lb fun balls.
Starting next week I will bowl the first 10 games with a straight ball & the hook ball to pick up spares then will switch with my first ball as the hook ball then my straight ball the 2nd ball as my spare ball so we can compare between a straight ball strike ball & the hook ball strike ball.
Starting in the middle of May 2022 I will be bowling 30 games every day the bowling alley is open. I will bowl the first 15 games with the straight ball & my last 15 games with the hook ball so we can compare if I bowl higher or lower with a straight ball or hook ball using the same four 10lb fun balls I use right now.
my prediction is my hook ball will score 20 to 30 more pins on AVERAGE then my straight ball as the strike ball. I will get a lot more strikes more often with the hook ball as my strike ball. its because the hook ball opens the strike zone by I would say 3 times wider of a strike zone then the straight ball.
like I have said the straight ball is a HELL of a lot harder to master then a hooking ball is. I personally carried a 187 avg using a 12lb hooking ball with a high game in open bowling of a 299 in 2005. a high game on league of a 258 & high series on league of a 686.
when I was hooking the ball it was a 12lb resin ball & not a fun ball as I use now. I had my thumb in the ball too with the same fingertip grip.
but now when I hook a ball I throw the ball with no thumb. no thump allows you release the ball with all left & you can have the ball more on its side with a huge side roll. when throwing a hook its way different then a throwing a straight ball.
The hooking ball is a LOT luckier then a straight ball. a straight ball is a vary precise strike or hit & is way harder to master.

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