Natural Immunity Vs Big Pharma Novel mRNA gene editing

2 years ago

Metabiota and the Search for Pandemic Viruses
It’s not surprising, then, to find out that the founder of Metabiota, Nathan Wolfe, not only has close ties to the WEF, but is also a rising star there.

He’s a WEF Young Global Leader graduate and was awarded the WEF’s Technology Pioneer award in 2021.

Metabiota was a core partner of a United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Pandemic Threat Program called PREDICT, which sought to identify viruses with pandemic potential.

Contractors funded through this program have included the EcoHealth Alliance, headed by Peter Daszak. The PREDICT program, directed by
Dennis Carroll, appears to have served as a proof of concept for the Global Virome Project that Carroll founded.

Wolfe has also received more than $20 million in research grants from Google, the NIH and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, just to name a few, and was a friend of now-deceased Jeffrey Epstein. In his 2012 book, “The Viral Storm,” Wolfe thanked friends for their support, including Epstein and Boris Nikolic. Nikolic, a biotech venture capitalist, was named “back-up executor” in Epstein’s will.9

Epstein, who besides being a convicted pedophile and accused child sex trafficker, had a robust interest in eugenics. It’s now well-known that he dreamed of creating a “superhuman” race of his own by impregnating dozens of women at a time at his New Mexico ranch.10 Epstein also managed to secure meetings with Bill Gates,11 whose family history is also marked by an interest in eugenics and population control.

"2019 Novel Coronavirus Vaccine" dated July 23 2019?
Making a vaccine 6 months before the pathogen officially appeared?

He referred to an interesting promotional B-roll video posted by NIH on Jan 30, 2020 about scientists working tirelessly to invent vaccine against “Novel Coronavirus”.

This video shows, at about 1:00 minute mark, a woman taking out from a freezer, and placing back, a box with vials labeled “KC 2019 Novel Coronavirus Vaccine”.

What? How can the “2019 Novel Coronavirus Vaccine” be dated 7/23/2019, when “Novel Coronavirus” Sars-Cov-2 was only “discovered” in December 2019?

mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine Candidated Transferred from NIAID to Ralph Baric of UNC on Dec 16 2019:

These scientists seem to have worked very tirelessly PRIOR to the discovery of Sars-Cov-2, but knew a little bit too much about what ended up happening, PRIOR to the discovery. Here we see the Moderna vaccine candidate transferred from NIAID to Ralph Baric of UNC as of Dec 12, 2019:

Ralph Baric is the scientist who experimented with adding HIV genetic sequences to coronaviruses to enhance their function:

Covid Vaccines Increase Risk of Heart-Related Deaths by Up to 50%, Lancet Analysis of Trial Data Finds
A preprint study (not yet peer-reviewed) in the Lancet has analysed the mortality data from the vaccine trials and made the shocking finding that
mRNA vaccines had “no effect on overall mortality”. Worse, it found the risk of non-Covid, non-accident mortality actually increased by 17%
(relative risk 1.17, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.67-2.05). Furthermore, a full 50% of the non-Covid deaths (27 out of 54) were cardiovascular
and the relative risk of such death was 45% higher in the vaccine arm (relative risk 1.45, CI 0.67-3.13), breaking down to
50% higher for Pfizer and 40% higher for Moderna (with wide confidence intervals).

“This Shouldn’t Happen”: Inside the Virus-Hunting Nonprofit at the Center of the Lab-Leak Controversy

Chasing scientific renown, grant dollars, and approval from Dr. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak transformed the environmental nonprofit
EcoHealth Alliance into a government-funded sponsor of risky, cutting-edge virus research in both the U.S. and Wuhan, China. Drawing
on more than 100,000 leaked documents, a V.F. investigation shows how an organization dedicated to preventing the next
pandemic found itself suspected of helping start one.

The paper Bloom had written—known as a preprint, because it had yet to be peer-reviewed or published—contained sensitive revelations
about the National Institutes of Health, the federal agency that oversees biomedical research.
In the interests of transparency, he wanted Fauci, who helms an NIH subagency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID), to see it ahead of time. Under ordinary circumstances, the preprint might have sparked a respectful
exchange of views. But this was no ordinary preprint, and no ordinary moment.

Bloom’s paper was the product of detective work he’d undertaken after noticing that a number of early SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequences
mentioned in a published paper from China had somehow vanished without a trace. The sequences, which map the nucleotides that
give a virus its unique genetic identity, are key to tracking when the virus emerged and how it might have evolved.

Piecing together clues, Bloom established that the NIH itself had deleted the sequences from its own archive at the request of researchers in Wuhan. Now, he was hoping Fauci and his boss, NIH director Francis Collins, could help him identify other deleted sequences that might shed light on the mystery.

Bloom had submitted the paper to a preprint server, a public repository of scientific papers awaiting peer review, on the same day that he’d sent a copy to Fauci and Collins. It now existed in a kind of twilight zone: not published, and not yet public, but almost certain to appear online soon.

Collins immediately organized a Zoom meeting for Sunday, June 20. He invited two outside scientists, evolutionary biologist Kristian Andersen and virologist Robert Garry, and allowed Bloom to do the same. Bloom chose Pond and Rasmus Nielsen, a genetic biologist.

In 2014, Fauci’s agency had issued a $3.7 million grant to EcoHealth Alliance, a nongovernmental organization dedicated to predicting and helping to prevent the next pandemic by identifying viruses that could leap from wildlife to humans. The grant, titled Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence, proposed to screen wild and captive bats in China, analyze sequences in the laboratory to gauge the risk of bat viruses infecting humans, and build predictive models to examine future risk. The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was a key collaborator to whom EcoHealth Alliance gave almost $600,000 in sub-awards. But the work there had been controversial enough that the NIH suspended the grant in July 2020.

During the most recent Covid wave in New Zealand there was a much lower infection rate in the unvaccinated, compared with those that had been given one,
two or three doses of vaccine. What’s more, this isn’t a small effect – over the period shown approximately:

10% of the triple vaccinated in New Zealand were infected.
14% of the single vaccinated were infected.
An astounding 18% of the double vaccinated were infected.
Yet only 3% of the unvaccinated appear to have been infected.

There was never any scientific basis for the idea that vaccinated people do not "carry the virus." This false idea was the fundamental
premise behind the discriminatory vaccine mandate/passport scheme that has violated the civil rights of countless people worldwide.

Of 15 autopsies conducted on vaccinated people, 14 showed “clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs”,
with the heart and lungs affected in almost all cases. A study in mice found that the heart muscle absorbs the vaccine mRNA, causing it to produce
spike protein, get attacked by the immune system and suffer inflammation and cell damage. Embalmers have reported strange clots in the
vaccinated deceased; unusual large structures have been reported in the blood of the vaccinated

Cock-up or Conspiracy? Understanding COVID-19 as a ‘Structural Deep Event’
Corporate members of the WEF’s Forum of Young Global Leaders includes Mark Zuckerberg whilst
‘Global Leaders for Tomorrow’ included Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.

However, it would be remiss to set aside the fact that organisations such as the WHO and the WEF exist within a wider network, or constellation,
of extremely powerful, non-elected political and economic entities made up of major multinational corporations, intergovernmental organisations
(IGOs), large private foundations and other non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

These include, in no particular order, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and other central banks; asset managers Blackrock and Vanguard;
global-level entities such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Club of Rome, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation,
Chatham House, the Trilateral Commission, the Atlantic Council, the Open Society Foundations and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; and
major corporations including so-called ‘Big Pharma’ and ‘Big Tech’ such as Apple, Google (part of Alphabet Inc), Amazon and Microsoft.

The Central Role of the Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Test (RT-PCR)

From the very outset, both the media and the governments have overlooked and ignored the flaws and falsehoods pertaining to the RT-PCR test
as a means to detecting the spread of the virus and identifying SARS-CoV-2.

“The PCR is a Process. It does not tell you that you are sick”.

Dr. Kary Mullis, Nobel Laureate and Inventor of the RT-PCR, passed away in August 2019.

This misuse of the RT-PCR technique is applied as a relentless and intentional strategy by some governments to justify excessive measures such
as the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, … under the pretext
of a pandemic based on a number of positive RT-PCR tests, and not on a real number of patients. .

Dr. Pascal Sacré, Belgian physician specialized in critical care and renowned public health analyst.
The Entire Data Base of “Covid-19 Confirmed Cases” is Invalid.

EXCLUSIVE: Australian Whistleblower Scientists Provide Evidence of Nanotech & Graphene Oxide

'L' Shaped Structure With Connecting Object
Found by New Zealand scientists in the Pfizer 'vaccine' that's been given to Kiwis for the last year.

'L' Shaped Structure With Connecting Object
More videos and images of what New Zealand scientists have found in the Pfizer COMIRNATY injection, and in blood samples,
can be found at 'Life of the Blood' at the link below:

according to the Economist, excess deaths worldwide due to Covid may have already reached twenty million, with the U.S. share of that total
possibly exceeding 1.3 million. If well over a million Americans have died either directly or indirectly from Covid, determining whether the cause was natural or
man-made remains an important question to answer.

our elite media have considerably strengthened this case. According to their analysis, the Covid outbreak in Wuhan began somewhat later than had previously
been assumed, with Patient Zero probably becoming infected in late November or early December, roughly a month later than the previous consensus date.

Under normal circumstances, this shift of a few weeks in timing would be completely unimportant, but the implications become explosive when juxtaposed
with another known date that I have repeatedly emphasized in my articles. In April 2020 ABC News reported and Israeli TV soon confirmed that a secret
Defense Intelligence Agency report prepared in “the second week of November” had described a “potentially cataclysmic” disease outbreak in Wuhan.
Therefore, this DIA report accurately described the Wuhan outbreak weeks before the first resident of China had even become infected, a striking anomaly
obviously warranting very serious further investigation.

"We have lots of scientific data now that are demonstrating that these vaccines, particularly RNA vaccines, are damaging T cell responses...
They're causing a form of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.... and we can see it by the frequent
[rise in] herpes, Epstein-Barr, infectious [mononucleosis], etc."

Whoops! The TOGETHER Trial actually showed that ivermectin worked.
Even the author admitted it. The media and medical establishment did not read the study carefully. They seize on anything that
supports the narrative and fail to look at the study critically.

Immunity acquired from a Covid infection is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death

How precisely did we move so quickly from the “germ games” of October 2019 – when the virus was already circulating in the US – to full-scale global lockdown
by March? Why did Anthony Fauci, who in early February was downplaying the seriousness of the virus, flip to the other side (which we know from emails)? It was
Fauci, according to many reporters, who tapped
Deborah Birx to huddle with Trump and convince him that the only way to battle the virus was to “shut down” the economy – as if anything like that was possible
much less effective for controlling a respiratory virus.

For two years now, and despite endless writing and reflection, this change from the top has puzzled me. Lockdowns contradicted not only a century of public-health
practice but even WHO guidelines. Even on March 2, 2020, 850 scientists signed a letter to the White House warning against lockdowns, closures, and travel
restrictions. Within days, everything changed.

Brazilian investigator Flavio Cadegiani, who previously looked into the role of androgens (male sexual hormones) in covid, recently proposed a new and
highly intriguing theory: Based on autopsy findings, Cadegiani noted that post-vaccination myocarditis appears to be very similar not to typical myocarditis
(e.g. viral myocarditis), but rather to adrenergic myocarditis or catecholamine-mediated stress cardiomyopathy (i.e. heart muscle injury caused by catecholamines).

Catecholamines are a group of hormones that include, most notably, dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline. These hormones drive the “fight-or-flight response”,
and their concentration is highest in young adults, especially in young males and athletes. Cadegiani notes that the adrenal glands (located on top of the kidneys)
are amongst the tissues with
highest production of spike protein from mRNA covid vaccines, which can cause local inflammation and may lead to a “catecholamine storm”, which is known to
have a toxic stress effect on heart muscle cells.

Prior to covid mRNA vaccinations, this type of heart injury was seen almost exclusively in patients with a rare tumor of the adrenal gland (called pheo-chromo-cytoma).
Cadegiani suspects that mRNA vaccination is more likely to affect adrenal glands than a mild coronavirus infection, especially in young and healthy adults.

Pfizer scientists: Natural immunity better than our vaccine
'Alternate treatments pushed aside over money.' Scientists involved in development of Pfizer vaccine say natural immunity likely superior.

~ClassWar ~AntiWar ~ BDS ~ Covid1984 @hatethemachine

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