Once Upon a Time ... we OWNED THREE PETERBILT 379s (not all at the same time)

2 years ago

Filmed on Saturday night, April 2, 2022. Uploaded to YouTube on Monday, April 11, 2022. While Steven is busy working on changing the wheel-sensor on our 2008 Cadillac CTS, he is also engaging me in conversation about the specific THREE different Peterbilt 379s that we have owned. In this video, Steven discusses each of theses big trucks and what happened so that we no longer own them.
WE CURRENTLY OWN a 2000 FREIGHTLINER, and we no longer own any of our Peterbilt 379s. For right now, the Peterbilts are only a memory. But we trust that this will not always be the case...there may come a day when we can once again own a Peterbilt 379.

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