Aging out of the foster care system | Where to find Help, Heal Trauma, and Learn Skills to Thrive

2 years ago

Angela Featherstone shares her survival story and experience in the foster care system and how the healing process has looked for her. It has lead her create The Fostering Care Healing School. Which is a non profit healing school for youth aging out of foster care who’s goal is to not only help these children heal but to thrive.

Angela is an advocate for kids in foster care. She has mentored a child in foster care through Kidsave. And was a consultant on the Netflix documentary about the effects of and healing trauma titled, Cracked Up.

She is also a successful actress and model, a pushcart prize winning essayist and speaker. She writes and lectures on healing PTSD, child abuse, human trafficking, and intimacy.

There are currently over 400,00 children in the foster care system in the US. More than 23,000 children “age out” of the foster care system each year in the United States at the age of 18.  20% of those children will be instantly homeless. 

This is a devastating scenario for a child who has survived an already traumatic childhood. And the lack of resources and help for these children is minimal leaving them to fend for themselves.

Learn how you can help these incredible resilient children heal and thrive in life!

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