MTK alleged as Irish gangsters named as co-conspirators in lawsuit | Part 3

2 years ago

Going back to the genesis of the lawsuit, in brief, Boxrec refused to list the results arising from the Dubai Event mentioned in Part 2 that took place a year ago, and in this regard, the lawsuit claims "MTK owner Daniel Kinahan and his business partner Ahmed Seddiqi were personally involved in the decision and execution of conspiracy in collusion with the BoxRec Defendants to suppress the results at issue."

In paragraph 222, it says with respect to the several events in question: "All the fighters that participated in the three promoter events at issue did their job." And then in 223: "They prepared to compete, risked their lives, only to have the result of their efforts arbitrarily excluded by a website acting as the final judge and jury, while the ABC cannot do anything." Followed by 224: "The ABC did nothing to intervene and resolve the issues related to the Event and Zimbabwe Event." And finally in 225: "The ABC did try to get BoxRec to enter the results of the Brazil Event, but BoxRec has refused to do anything. BoxRec has refused to enter the results regardless of the pleas made to it."

In addition to libel and tortious conduct alleged in the lawsuit, and stated losses, as well as unfair business practices, discrimination and a civil conspiracy, we need to bring the RICO act by way of explanation because in paragraph 439: "The root cause of this action is BoxRec’s refusal to list the April 10, 2021 Event and to record its results at the command of a widespread criminal enterprise engaged in a pattern of racketeering activity across State lines, a conspiracy to suppress Plaintiff Mendy and his company Lion Heart Boxing Productions as well as events he and his fighters are involved in, and a conspiracy to engage in racketeering activity involving numerous RICO predicate acts during the past ten (10) calendar years."

And in paragraph 440: "The predicate acts alleged here cluster around not only the criminal acts of MTK Global and Kinahan, but also the criminal acts of ABC and various of its officers and directors."

Critically, in paragraph 449. "This dispute arises from Defendant’s (1) violation of the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) Act 18.

In paragraph 450: "At the center of and the driver of the conspiracy is Mr. Daniel Kinahan, Mr. Kinahan’s company MTK, and his UAE partner Ahmed Seddiqi, and their associates." Followed by "MTK, a Dubai, UAE, and British based company, holds itself out as the “biggest force in business of boxing” in its capacity as a boxing management and promotional company. MTK was co-founded and is in part owned and controlled by Mr. Daniel Kinahan, a noted member of Ireland’s notorious Kinahan Cartel, also known as the Kinahan Organized Crime Group (“KOCG”) by law enforcement officials."

Furthermore, it is alleged: "MTK and Mr. Kinahan do not possess a proper license or authority to perform either management or promotional services in the UAE or United States. MTK is not licensed in the UAE and the United States as a boxing manager or a boxing promoter. MTK, however, provides both manager services and promotion services in the UAE and the USA through proxies, which are prohibited under the Ali Act firewall provisions."

Finally, it should be noted, as it is clearly explained in the lawsuit: "MTK was co-founded by Mr. Daniel Kinahan. Mr. Daniel Kinahan is known as the head of Kinahan Organized Crime Group (“KOCG”) in Ireland. The KOCG is allegedly responsible for several murders, drug trafficking, and money laundering. The KOCG is one of Europe’s biggest drug cartels. Law enforcement experts believe that Mr. Daniel Kinahan started MTK to launder ill-gotten gains from drug trafficking. Mr. Daniel Kinahan is wanted for question by several law enforcement agencies due to the murderous activities of the KOCG. On or about September 16, 2018, the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) banned Mr. Kinahan and roughly twenty-six other members of the KOCG from entering America due to narco-terrorism concerns."

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