Brain and glial cells, research from kinesiology perspective with Jacque Mooney

2 years ago

Jacque and Madonna have both been using the LEAP Programme for many years. Research is constantly evolving in this area, and Jacque shares knowledge on the brain, how we can change the brain function using simple effective kinesiology tools.

Learning Enhancement Acupuncture Programme (LEAP) is a kinesiology technique which aims to re-programme the brain. An individual's brain contains numerous areas which are dysfunctional with learning problems. The objective of LEAP is to systematically work through areas of the brain and reduce dysfunction one by one.

LEAP is a non-invasive, individually applied program combining Western and Eastern ideas and techniques. LEAP works to re-synchronise an individual's brain neurology to give an individual full access to their potential abilities. Janine applies LEAP to correct a variety of dysfunctions the individual is experiencing. Beyond that, LEAP can be used to enhance and fine-tune already healthy and functional individuals by understanding how the brain engages in learning and the factors that prevent or interfere with this process.

LEAP works well with individuals affected by learning and behavioural difficulties, as well as offering a program for anyone wanting to achieve their full potential.

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