Bear attacks mountain climbers The Harrowing Tale of Boswell and Bullock

2 years ago

Late in the frigid month of November, 2015, two mountain climbers trudged through the knee deep snow of the Canadian Rockies. Located near Jasper and surrounded by some of the most picturesque mountains and forests on earth. The climb was difficult but exhilarating as participating in their passion has led the two men to a close friendship. The goal was to climb a peak called “Dirty Love” which is a climb located on Wilson Peak. It would consist of scrambles and treacherous snow field navigation which could present avalanche danger and crevasses.
After reaching the top the two men began the descent. The darkness of the night embraced them as it was a new moon, meaning that the men had to use their headlamps to reveal their path. The men had left their ropes and other equipment along their descent trail to be recovered as they returned. The return trail would be complicated by a few cliff repels the pair would have to make to get home safely but their experience and aptitude would make it easy barring any unexpected circumstances.
Greg Boswell was an experienced Scottish adventurer and climber. As he bent down to fill his water bottle in a nearby spring before the men rappelled down the cliff, a large brown bear appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. Normally at this time of year, healthy bears are hibernating comfortably living off the fat they have built up through their summer foraging. The bear seemed surprised and acted in perceived self defense by attacking.
Back near the rappelling point, Brit Nick Bullock was lost in the exhilarating memory of the trek when he was shaken back to the terrified yelling of his companion. “Bear!” he heard struggle from Gregs mouth as he scurried past. The light of Nick's headlamp flashed a confusing scene of his friends arms and legs scrambling to create distance between him and the confused and now enraged grizzly. Nick was in awe of the powerful beast as it churned through the snow in pursuit of his friend. As it blurred past Nick, the bear glanced at him and his knees felt as if they would buckle from fear. At that point his companion had tripped which refocused the bear's rage.
Nick took that as his cue to beat feet. He sprinted in the opposite direction as fast as the conditions would safely allow. His mind fogged by the situation, he witnessed his friend in a death struggle with the massive bruin. Greg was kicking and shouting as the bear bit through his climbing boot easily. It redirected its rage on his lower leg and hoisted him precariously off the ground. Greg's frightened yells for help sent chills down his companions back.
Temporarily concerned only for his own safety, Nick considers self preservation as he focuses on his own escape. After hearing his friend plead for his help, Nick builds his resolution to commitment to protect and defend his friend. He begins walking straight toward the grizzly now bearing down on his friend again. Suddenly Nick's headlamp was filled with the terrified face of his companion. Greg had somehow managed to escape the bear's rage and the two yelled and ran back along their initial trail. As they parted the dense undergrowth, they resolved to stay close and help each other.
Terrified that the massive bear, now concealed by the dark, might suddenly reemerge and continue its rage-filled attack, the men stumbled and slipped their way around the mountain for the better part of a quarter of an hour, before the reality of their only escape path set in. Greg hastily repacked the climbing gear the pair knew they would need while Nick stood watch. Their only means of defense were their climbing axes held high in defiant defense of their lives and any threat to them. The two resolved their commitment to mutual defense. If they went down, they would go down fighting together.
As they fled the men were so confused they had followed the wrong trail and quickly became hopelessly lost. They took temporary shelter under a large, sturdy tree and discussed waiting for daybreak before finishing their descent. Greg offered the idea that the pair should climb the tree for protection, but Nick was deterred by the frigid conditions and his partners injuries. They agreed that their only option was to get back down and reach safety as soon as possible.
At this point, injured severely, Greg announced that they needed to get to the waypoint cliff and repel.

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