Watch The Waters- Trump-In-It-&-Putin-It-Down

2 years ago

Time to go to the streets, for the real news. And connect the dots ourselves. That's all I Do. There are floods simultaneously going on around the world, for the last couple of years now, and STILL NO ONE REPORTING IT fully! I have gone back just a few months, but you can keep going to see every part of the world is being flushed straight after the D.U.M.Bs are being emptied and the children rescued the next mission is to drain the swamp. Flushing the Earth like a giant toilet!
The underground bases are being flushed out, taken down and the Earth is being replenished! Mother Earth is healing her wounds from all the terror she has seen and felt.

We have been warned to watch the water. And the floods have been very suppressed. I have proof of the water coming from beneath as well as above! As above so below!

Children rescue complete then Flushing of the tunnels. If you need proof of this, I have all you need in my videos. Watch Part 6 of my series Conspiracy's No longer theories. For all the proof you need.
I live to expose what happened to the children,
They matter more than your beliefs and that is a FACT!

I've got too much evidence recorded too many testimonials from the horse's mouths to ever be convinced otherwise.

Save Our Children drain the swamp and let's get to the 1000 years of peace our people sure deserve.

Please like and share to release the truth out there!

Thank you for Watching,
Any profits made will be donated to the victims of child trafficking. Not a penny will touch my pocket so please share to get the truth out there.

Love & Light
Janine X

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