New brake is the wrong size, period

2 years ago

Even doing a direct placement upon the nut of the motor. The brake hole refuses to go on to the motor.
I was sold the wrong brake for this mobility scooter.
This video is absolute proof that they sold me for $250 the wrong brake.

Even though I specifically emailed the following information.
Part number is:
Brake order code +B2#6 6112BB8A0140
For the 889SL 18939BB8A0029 Serial number for my scooter.

I suppose we shall see what happens now.

Well today October 20th 2021 I got an email from Regency Medical that said;
"Alright then.

Eclipse has reviewed the videos and pictures you sent and has determined it is user error: the brake is compatible but the manner in which you attempted to install it resulted in damage to the brake and perhaps even the motor.

We always recommend installing these components ourselves for the customer for reasons such as this. When aligned properly, the brake’s three holes for the machine screws should align.

This conclusion means that unfortunately there is nothing we can do for you: the brake we sold you was compatible, but was not properly installed."

Now here is the thing. I never said in the emails how I installed it. I never showed any video how I installed it. All I have done is show this video showing that the hole on the brake they sent me is the wrong size. So they are covering up their mistake by lying about how I installed it when they have no clue how I installed the brake.

THIS is how they get you. If you do not agree to paying them $100 to do five minutes of work then they send you faulty stuff and blame you for their mistakes.
Nice of Regency medical now isn't it.

They are in Vancouver on Canada Way and they should be avoided for dirty business like this.
They lie about you to cover up their mistakes.

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