Why You Should Be Eating Watermelon Seeds (Watermelon Seeds Benefits)

7 years ago

Watermelon is a delicious treat in the summer months. However, did you know that the watermelon seeds that you spit out are actually beneficial to your body?

Watermelon itself contains a lot of minerals and vitamins that help to provide essential nutrients to your body. It is high in biotin, Vitamin C, copper, potassium, pantothenic acid, magnesium, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin A.

Watermelon seeds also contain nutrients, such as: iron, potassium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, niacin, folate and thiamine. They also help with arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, angina, and erectile dysfunction.

This is because they have an antioxidant called citrulline within them. They also help to treat kidney disease and urinary tract infections.

Here Are Some Health Benefits Of Watermelon Seeds:

1. It Improves The Health Of Your Heart

Because watermelon seeds are high in magnesium, they are beneficial to your heart health. They can help to stabilize your blood pressure and they can protect your heart from suffering from disease.

2. They Can Stop Premature Aging

Watermelon seeds are also high in antioxidants that can reverse premature aging. They can also help to increase your skin’s elasticity and your skin tone.

3. It Is Great For Treating Acne

The oil extracted from watermelon seeds can help your skin’s clarity, including acne. You can use a cotton ball and just put the oil directly onto your face. It will improve your skin and clear up your acne in no time.

4. It Will Improve The Strength Of Your Hair

Watermelon seeds can also make your hair stronger and healthier. Just roast some watermelon seeds and eat them to increase your copper intake. This will help your body to produce melanin, which produces your hair color. Eating the watermelon seeds will also raise your protein and amino acid levels, thus, strengthening your hair.

5. It Helps With Preventing Heart Disease

Watermelon seeds are also high in amino acids, particularly: lysine and tryptophan. These amino acids helps to protect your body from heart disease. They also contain arginine, which helps your body to stabilize your blood pressure.

6. It Will Boost Your Immune System

Watermelon seeds also contain magnesium, which helps keep your immune system healthy. When your immune system is strong, your body will fight off infections more effectively.

7. It’s Great For Male Fertility

Watermelon seeds also contain an antioxidant called lycopene. This antioxidant is helpful in the health of the male reproductive system, specifically, in fertility.

8. It Helps In Fighting Diabetes

Watermelon seeds can also help to regulate your blood sugar levels, thus, keeping your diabetes under control. Put about a handful of watermelon seeds into one liter of water. Let them sit for about forty-five minutes. Then, drink the water to help regulate your blood sugar levels.

9. It Is An Excellent Moisturizer

Watermelon seeds also have fatty acids that help to moisturize your skin and keep it soft and free of cracks and dry spots.

10. It Helps To keep Your Hair Jet Black

Watermelon seeds have many minerals, including copper, that help to produce melanin. Melanin is responsible for giving your hair and skin color. Watermelon seeds will prevent your hair and skin from fading in color.

11. It Helps To Stop Hair Breakages

As mentioned before, watermelon seeds have a high content of fatty acids. These acids provide your body with essential nutrients. You can even combine watermelon oil with another oil, such as coconut oil. After they are mixed, you can massage the mixture onto your hair and into your scalp. This will strengthen your hair and prevent breakages.

Watermelon seeds provide the most nutrients when you grind them, cook them, or bake them. You can even make tea out of them.

Recipe for watermelon seeds tea:

- Crush and ground four tablespoons of fresh watermelon seeds.
- Boil the watermelon seeds in 2 liters of water for around 15 minutes.
- Consume the tea in the next 2 days, while taking a one day break.
- Repeat this treatment for the next couple of weeks.

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