5 Everyday Things You’ve Been Doing WRONG

5 years ago

People create new habits every single day. Often times parents pass those habits down to their children. In some cases those same habits get passed from parents to grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Like a great recipe or morning routine, people learn things, and through repetition, it becomes ingrained in families and in rare cases communities and larger geographical regions.

However, just because we’ve created or adopted a habit, doesn’t make it correct. Something that we thought to be correct fifty years ago, could be proven wrong by more scientific knowledge. A prime example of this is bloodletting—once a universal practice, would never be practiced today!

While we don’t have any examples as shocking as bloodletting, consider these common customs that you might be doing incorrectly and out of pure ignorance.

Brushing Your Teeth
Skin Care
Using Paper Towels
Cooking Pasta


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