Are You Magnesium Deficient? How to Know & What to Do About It

6 years ago

If you are feeling tired, stressed and having difficulty sleeping, it’s very likely that you have a magnesium deficiency in your body. Before you ask your doctor for something to help you sleep, try adding magnesium to your diet.

Symptoms such as muscle tension, irritation, and a general stiffness are all signs of a magnesium deficiency. That’s true because it’s responsible for more than 300 enzymatic reactions and is found in every tissue of our bodies — but especially in the bones, the muscles and the brain.

Magnesium is a powerful mineral and works as a relaxant, so it can help you control your anxiety and improve your sleep. It helps cells produce energy, perform various chemical activities, stabilize membranes, and help relax muscles.

To have an idea of the importance of magnesium take a look at the various symptoms that may prove that you don’t enough of it in your body: - Irritability
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Noise sensitivity - Headaches - Migraines - Muscle cramps
or spasms
- Sore muscles
- Tachycardia
- Chronic fatigue - Constipation - High blood pressure - Serious PMS
- Severe menstrual cramps
- Difficulty swallowing
- Acid reflux

Men should have 400-420 mg and women should have 310-320 mg of magnesium in their diet every day. The most common way to get the required amount of magnesium is, without a doubt, to take supplements. However, it’s possible to follow dietary and lifestyle tips to avoid and combat a magnesium deficiency in the body.

How do you stop the loss of magnesium?

- Try to reduce the consumption of coffee, colas, salt, sugar and alcohol. They eliminate magnesium from the body;

- Some remedies used to treat hypertension and some diuretics cause us to lose. So, check with your doctor if any medications may be the cause of a low magnesium count.

How do you replenish magnesium through food?

- Increase your intake of foods rich in magnesium such as almonds, cashews, buckwheat, walnuts, hazelnuts, corn, rye, tofu, rice, figs, dates, kale, shrimp, avocado, parsley, garlic and whole salt (like Himalayan salt or grey sea salt from Guerande).

How do you take magnesium supplement?

The body can’t break down a magnesium supplement when taken alone. You need to add other vitamins to it, like calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2. It’s necessary to keep the balance between these vitamins, because without a proper balance, your health can actually worsen rather than improve. An imbalanced increase in calcium and magnesium may lead to serious heart problems, for example.

The best magnesium supplements are magnesium glycinate, magnesium chloride, magnesium sulfate, and magnesium citrate. However, don’t forget that any time you take a supplement, you should consult your doctor first, so that the results can be properly analyzed.



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