#212 Bryce Henson - Creating Freedom Through Fitness

2 years ago

Bryce Henson is CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, the world’s fastest-growing fitness boot camp franchise.

Having nearly 15 years of experience in the fitness industry and owning 2 Fit Body locations, Bryce’s passion is spreading fitness to the world. This is in addition to mentoring fitness professionals on how to grow their businesses and change more lives in their local communities. He is committed to inspiring and educating audiences on how to improve their lives by improving their fitness.

Through Fit Body Boot Camp’s World Wide Transformation Challenges, Bryce has overseen their global clients to lose nearly a million pounds of weight loss. And more importantly, is helping offset the obesity pandemic and provide more health and life to his followers.

Bryce also co-leads Fit Body Mastermind Group, an exclusive coaching group for high-performing fitness professionals.

Bryce was born in Atlanta, Georgia, grew up in Michigan, and has spent most of his adult life in California. He is a graduate of Michigan State University and speaks Brazilian Portuguese fluently, having lived in Florianopolis, Brazil. He holds citizenship in the United States and Portugal. He enjoys world travel and is a fitness expert, coach, author, and inspirational leader.

Are you looking for an Integrative Health Coach and Personal Trainer to get you across your finish line? Join my next free 5 Day Lean Lady Challenge on Facebook. Comment #LeanLady​​ below.

We talk about:

1. Mindset: Everything starts in the mind. Our bodies can do it, but our mind needs a little training. It's all subconscious reprogramming.

2. Food: How to eat delicious high fat food aka ketogenic diet and feel amazing. Intermittent fasting options as well.

3. Fitness: I will give you efficient workouts to get the body moving and boosting your energy.

4. Self Care: This is important to long term success for us ladies. I will show you how to fit that much-deserved self-care into your crazy schedule.

Please join my new Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HighE​​...

Learn more health tips at http://HighEnergyGirl.com​​

Join the Challenge at https://www.leanladychallenge.com

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