NDEr Natalie Sudman: We Are Each Intrinsically Valuable & Everything We Experience Matters

2 years ago

"In this non-physical state of being, there is a profound sense of belonging. Everything about everyone that exists is not only accepted, but admired, respected, recognized and celebrated. There is a cooperative, co-passion for being that permeates everything I experienced. Everything there is effortless. It is just so easy. It's blissful. And it's filled with a joy that is so fundamental it's only really remarkable from outside of that state of being. So image that everything you have ever thought, imagined, experienced, dreamed, or created was recognized to be valuable to you yourself and to everyone else -- to all that exists. Imagine that no matter what you do or how you express yourself, you belong and are valued. This is true. What was known to me, what was so basic as to be assumed was just that: that we are each intrinsically valuable and everything we experience matters, not just to ourselves but to each other and to All That Is.

"I use the phrase 'All That Is' instead of God, Source, Universe, whatever -- a lot of those words have personal connotations that limit my ideas. And so when I say 'All That Is' it includes all that is. That's the term that I'll be using.

"My experience is that we are always within and expressions of All That Is which is a beautiful Force of infinitely curious and creative energy and awareness. How can we be anything but perfect? We are All That Is just as much as It is us. We are created by It; It creates us. We participate in It; It participates in us. We extend It and It extends us. We are each individual expressions of this single infinite awareness. We are one. And we are each perfect exactly as we are.

"We're so used to thinking in terms of hierarchies. The healer is more important that the addict. The teacher is more important than the arms dealer. These hierarchies of values are not real. I don't care how dull, or weird, or messed up we think our lives are here in the physical world, I can assure you that all of us are having a valuable experience. And I don't care how special we think we are, we are each uniquely special. Every single one of us. Our experience extends and enhances everything that exists. We are each infinitely creative beings having an amazing experience just by being here.

"From the perspective out of body, it was understood that it takes some skill to even exist in the physical body, in the physical world. It takes a skill of focus to maintain consciousness within a physical body and then to participate in a collective, cooperative, creative experience of being in this physical world. So we're all amazing. We're all jet pilots flying 50 feet off the deck upside down. We are very cool. Just by showing up here, just by showing up."

-- Near-Death Experiencer Natalie Sudman

Original YouTube Video:

The quote above is excerpted from 13:00-17:17 in the YouTube video linked above.


Order a copy of Natalie's book: "Application of Impossible Things: My Near Death Experience in Iraq" https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/188694024X/nhne-20

Read a fantastic overview of Natalie's book, NDE, and related issues: https://thesearchforlifeafterdeath.com/2016/08/28/the-implications-of-natalie-sudmans-unusual-near-death-experience-in-iraq/

For more information about Natalie, go here: http://ndestories.org/natalie-sudman/


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