Release of "COVID-19" hypothetically proposed at 45:45!

2 years ago

October 29, 2019
Universal Flu Vaccine Summit on C-Span

Health experts discussed the scientific and technological prospects of an effective universal influenza vaccine. Speakers included:
The on-stage speakers were:
Dr. Anthony Fauci (National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases)
Rick Bright (Biomedical Advanced Research & Development Authority)
Bruce Gellen (President of Sabin Vaccine Institute)
Dr. Margaret Hamburg (former Commissioner of FDA Administration)
Casey Wright (Flu Lab CEO & former HHS Senior Management Policy Analyst)
Michael Spector (Staff Writer for The New Yorker)

(6:56) Rick Bright "...a sense of urgency to address this problem. I mean there are 650,000 people around the world dying every single year from seasonal influenza. And if take that scenario that Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded from the institute of disease modelling that says, if we had another outbreak, like a pandemic virus, today, like what we saw in 1918 in that six-month time period, we would have 33 million people dead.

(7:54) Rick Bright "...we need to leverage the tools we have and at the same time, envision what that universal flu vaccine is, in a very rapid, urgent pace to get there.

(8:00) Michael Spector focuses everyone's attention to the word DISRUPTION.

(16:54) Margaret Hamburg invited FEMA to do a tabletop preparedness drill for a biological threat ... for a flu pandemic, like scenario.

(17:31) Dr. Hamburg " events unfolded, realizing just how this kind of an infectious outbreak would undermine all of the uh, sort of essentials of civic life. How it would undermine their own ability to mobilize and respond, uh, to needs and, also the recognition of the economic cost, the productivity costs, um, in addition to the medical concerns, and ultimately, the loss of faith of people in, in government, in leadership um, because of the failure to be able to provide vaccine in a timely way and everything. So, you know, people just, still don't think enough about what this really means in our daily lives and what the impacts are, even though every year we're suffering a lot of preventable death and that's a disability.

(21:38) Anthony Fauci, - Introduces adding "SELF-ASSEMBLING NANO-PARTICLES" to a vaccine.

(22:00) Anthony Fauci, Dr. Fauci speaks about how slow technological advances take, with clinical trials.... "It may take ten more years to transition from the tried-and-true egg growing methods to new methods."

(22:50) Michael Spector, "Why would a maker of vaccine (BigPharma) spend hundreds of millions of Dollars for a product to only be used once or twice?"

(23:08) Anthony Fauci "That's where the Federal Govt. comes in."

(24:57) Rick Bright -- Need exists for new approaches…

(27:09) Rick Bright – There’s a need to uncloak up and coming newer technologies.

(30:15) Michael Spector Need a way to push young medical researchers into studying new ways of flu research…

(31:00) Bruce Gellen, “Bill Gates Foundation and Flu Lab introduced a challenge (in 2018) for addressing the problem.”

(32:06) Bruce Gellen, “We need to DISRUPT this field” (of medicine) “…urgent call for entity of excitement…”

(32:09) Rick Bright "....I like the concept of disrupting this field...."

(32:35) Rick Bright "...we need an entity of excitement, out there, that's completely disruptive, that's not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.


(33:32) Anthony Fauci, “…get new people with NEW IDEAS THAT ARE DISRUPTIVE & looking at it from a different angle.”

(33:49) Dr. Margaret Hamburg, “During HIV, the ACTIVISTS actually helped to move the research agenda in powerful ways.”

(34:40) Casey Wright, “640,000 people died last year (2018from flu), they will die this year and they will die next year.”

(34:50) Casey Wright, “we seek a transformative product…”

(35:10) Casey Wright, “… need to set an ambition for an ultimate vaccine, a durable, once in a lifetime, for everyone on this planet and eliminates the annual scourge and pandemic threat.”

(35:55) Casey Wright, “Are we organized in the right way to harness the new scientific insights…. Are we organized in the right way to make this permanent progress and meet this new goal?”
(36:50) Casey Wright, “… requires an unprecedented collaboration… requires a new model for GLOBAL COLLABORATION with dedicated leadership.”
(38:00) Michael Spector, "…we develop a new system, more powerful and permanent that requires a new kind of entity….

(38:40) Rick Bright, “…need for a single focused entity for influenza…”

(39:00) Rick Bright, “…need critical insight on how to disrupt and deconstruct an old age problem – 70 years is an old age construct….deconstruct the carrot cake and make it look like something different, but the best carrot cake you’ve ever eaten. We need that for influenza.”

(39:33) Rick Bright, “Vaccines aren’t the only part of the solution; although we do stay in the vaccine space, whether it be diagnostics, THERAPUTICS (we learned in 2021, how mRNA is a gene therapy, not a vaccine), or non-pharmaceutical intervention…”

(40:07) Anthony Fauci, "This is important from a perception standpoint. No one takes flu seriously.”

(40:32) Anthony Fauci, "It’s the diversity of what influenza means in the community; no one is afraid of the flu.”

(41:58) Anthony Fauci, "…hundreds of thousands of people die of flu each year, and WHEN YOU GET A PANDEMIC, MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people die.”

(42:08) Anthony Fauci, "We have a problem of how the world perceives influenza and it’s going to be very difficult to change that (perspective) unless you do it from within, in a DISRUPTIVE WAY and intimate way.”

(42:28) Michael Spector, "If the 2009 pandemic had been more deadly, would that have been better for humanity?”

(44:00) Dr. Margaret Hamburg, “We need this time to be different and need to really organize ourselves in a way where there will be an accountability for sustained action, not just a response.

(44:55) Rick Bright, “…synthetic based, nucleic based and mRNA based vaccines…
…enzymes that can synthesize the small fragments of messenger RNA, can be made in a shoebox sized system.”

(45:45) Rick Bright, proposes this "hypothetical", scenario, how an outbreak of some sort of "novel avian flu virus" could potentially erupt in China somewhere. It is so coincidental how only 2 months later, the Coronavirus was released from a lab in Wuhan, China. “…NOT TOO CRAZY TO THINK THAT AN OUTBREAK OF A NOVEL AVIAN FLU VIRUS COULD OCCUR IN CHINA SOMEWHERE….”

(46:38) Anthony Fauci explains how Natural Immunity works, possibly saving civilization.

(48:18) Anthony Fauci, "Once there is a universal flu vaccine, you’re going to want to give it to children at 6 months. (babies)



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