GRS30 - Healing Mission

2 years ago

GRS30 - Healing Mission
Your mission is built upon healing. It is given you to bring wholeness to the world and create a divine channel of light. It is simple and fundamental as long as a system is stable conservative and functional even if negative end results, it is difficult to change but as its shifts towards disequilibrium and descends into chaos then even a filament of coherent energy can bring it into new structure in new harmony. This applies equally to you as an individual as it applies to the whole planet. All can be a filament of coherent energy of the rising spiritual fire. Woven together these filaments constitute an energetic potency that draws the shift of the planet and the group of Wayshowers into a more balanced transition.

As a sensitive you are powerful and you have a collected heart energy. The intelligence of love is issuing forth from the sun and through the central core of the planet it is given out to all the Wayshowers. You are part of the network of souls that are here to seek wholeness in space and time for you are as an individual and you can become a channel of this energy. In conducting love you are operating through a coherent energy where you choose to bring about healing. Your heart develops before the brain and it is the seat of intelligence and the soul's consciousness. When the soul moves into the being the heart is where the soul enters.

The heart is the single point of connection to the divine. There are many centres of intelligence in the body and in a sense every cell is an intelligent being. However, the primary clusters of intelligence are the heart and the brain, specifically the pre-frontal lobes. The heart is an independent sensory organ and the connective link to the divine at an energetic level. The heart is a transmitter of love and pure energy if clear and un-conflicted.

The secret war by the black alliance is to keep the heart hidden to cause it to be dismissed, diminished and to cause it to weaken its ability to become the center of intelligence. The Dark Masters only respond to one thing, power! They do not know of any other purpose other than power. The time for the transition is upon us as chaos is presumptive of the changes in evolution of our world and hence the ascension. The Secret Wars are designed to weaken the heart through turbulence, unease and through the acceleration of events. Time appears to be speeding up and this indicates there is a war within you that you are battling as more and more events are being processed and pushed to create a conflicted consciousness. Your energetic heart is holographic and multi-levelled. That means it is trans-dimensional and not situated solely as a biological pump or a receptacle of astral-emotional input. The ability of the rhythm of your heart to entrain with the beat of the earth and harmonise with the will of the sun is the music of the spheres. The heart beats with the soul similar to how its rhythms pulse through the body electro-magnetically. The heart of the soul is in accord with the heart of the sun within the heart of hearts of the transmission of life itself.

As a sensitive Wayshower you are here and your purpose is to heal. You are empowered to broadcast via have intuitive abilities and stabilise and harmonise the fundamental melodic rhythms of being. No longer will you be a prisoner to duality of the mind-brain which seeks to establish itself as the seat of the soul. No longer will the intellect be considered wise council or to be given more credence than the promptings of inner intelligence of the heart. The non-verbal full awareness of the heart will enter your mind with total clarity of absolute knowing.

This is the day of the light and all negative emotions of fear, distrust and confusion are part of the duality of the mind-brain and it's negation of the oneness with heart centred wisdom and memory. The secret war of the Black Alliance has been using the intellectual mind to create diversions from truth which has caused a displacement of purpose and the infection of the obscuration. The wordless, timeless and simple pure connections to vital things bring the connection to the heart. Feel yourself connected at your heart and release the flow of love that comes your way, so that you may give, and give again and receive and give again. The silent truth of knowing your own heart may release what comes to you and you may become a channel and a Wayshower of the higher sensations. Have faith in knowing your own soul's wish to be this channel of purity and the central presence in all things.

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