Mother and father day means nothing to those who are abused

2 years ago

Abused do not care about mother and father day when all we get is abuse and last thing we need is to celebrate the abuser's!! Nope once you leave abuse you cut the wicked family out of your life for good and have zero to do with them!! They control everything you do! Gaslighting you, talk behind your back, lie, shame you, and everything they do!! Holidays suck with abusers because everything is about them all the time! You get grades they want better grades, they never like anything you do ever , they criticize you so much you cry at night! Abusers go to church and come back and hurt those in abuse and act so perfect!! Churches do nothing to help those in abuse the doors are shut and they judge those abused! You must forgive! Go to the police! They are your family! Go back to your husband! Deal with it! You must suffer like Jesus suffered! You are bitter!, We did not ask for abuse at all and are damaged and trying to heal, we do not trust anyone because abusers always say who is that they are so jealous and you don't trust anyone and you are shamed for leaving abuse! The world, other family members and churches shame those who left abuse and we just want to heal so remember those who suffered abuse and do not have a mother at all or father or husband because they hurt them and abused them and left us all damaged and hurting, after you leave abuse you cut off the abusers so you can recover and heal and they are dead to you, you do not call them, be around them ever again they die so what we do not care at all we will skip the funeral and not go to it, God hates abuse and those who abuse will suffer for it and churches will to for not helping those in abuse out, we do not need to be judged but to be helped we do not know what love is at all and do not trust anyone, you are not allowed to be anything in abuse but what the abusers want and it is about themselves only!! They do not care about you, and are wicked people and hurt you so much they do not care so mother and father day means nothing to those who are abused and suffering abuse

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