The Weekly Energy Foresight for May 02-08, 2022

2 years ago

Tarot Cards:
The Green Witch Tarot
by: Ann Moura
artwork by: Kiri Ostergaard Leonard
Oracle Cards: Angel Guide
by: Kyle Gray
artwork by: Jennifer Hawkyard

May 02- 08, 2022

Nature / The Devil

This Card is all about choices!

We've had our fair share of making difficult choices, experiencing challenging options, and allowing ourselves the freedom to pick a path without the strain of second-guessing ourselves...
to rely full-hearted on our intuition and Higher Self this year... ...

but have you done it?!? Have you followed your heart of hearts fully, without doubt, or fear of consequences?

Perhaps not... so NOW's the time! Spread your newly unfurled wings and fly into the great blue yonder 🦋

Mid-Week ~ 02-05
Cut The Cords

End-Week ~ 05-08

02 - National Life Insurance Day
- World Tuna Day
- Labour Day: AUS
- May Day: AUS
03 - National Garden Meditation Day
- National Paranormal Day
- National Specially-Able Pets Day
- World Press Freedom Day
- Hari Raya Puasa: AUS
- Eid al-Fitr
04 - Bird Day
- National Star Wars Day
- National Weather Observers Day
- National Interpreter Appreciation Day
- National Bike to School Day
- National Skilled Trades Day
- International Firefighter's Day
- Yom HaZikaron
05 - Cinco de Mayo
- National Day of Prayer
- National Day of Reason
- National Cartoonist Day
- National Astronaut Day
- African World Heritage Day
- World Portuguese Language Day
- World Password Day
- Yom HaAtzmaut
06 - National Space Day
- National Nurses Day
- National Military Spouse Appreciation Day
- International No Diet Day
07 - National Start Seeing Monarchs Day
- National Babysitters Day
- National Fitness Day
- National Play Outside Day
- National Train Day
08 - Mother's Day
- National Student Nurse Day
- World Red Cross Day
- Time of Remembrance & Reconciliation (day 1)
- 🌓 First Quarter Moon


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