Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA Tour Map stops with your host Robin on the Road

2 years ago

Join me as I take you to all forty-none stops of the Hollywood Cemetery Notable tour. A truly unique cemetery, Hollywood has two Presidential graves, James Monroe fifth President and John Tyler our tenth President, as well as, the grave of Jefferson Davis President of the Confederacy. Hollywood also has the graves of early statesman John Randolph of Roanoke, history and author Douglas Southall Freeman and James Branch Cabbell, Confederate Generals Jeb Stuart and George Pickett along with other officers of the Confederate Army. There are two Supreme Court Justices, eight Virginia Governor's, two incredible women, Virginia Randolph Ellett and Ellen Glasgow. The incredible tree headstones of the Lloyd family and the memorial for the 18,000 Confederate soldiers buried and moved here. You will fall in love with the incredible beauty of Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, VA.

Additional Information:
Web Links
Photos by:
Robin on the Road
Resources information:
Hollywood Cemetery's Notable Residents by Joseph R. Herbert
Hollywood Cemetery C.S.A. Generals by James E. Kloos
Hollywood Cemetery A Tour by James E. DuPriest, Jr.
Look For An Angel: A walker's guide to residents of Hollywood Cemetery Richmond, VA
Music from YouTube

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