You probably didn't realize these annoying things your dog does are actually easy to fix

2 years ago

You probably didn't realize these annoying things your dog does are actually easy to fix

This simple but effective shake and break training tool may be the only thing you need to finally curb your dog’s loud barking (it works for other behaviors you want to discourage, as well).

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"Most dogs love to bark—at the doorbell, the mailman, and every squirrel they see through the window,” Daniel Caughill, co-founder of The Dog Tale, tells Bustle. “However, this is a behavior that can easily be reduced with proper training. The process is fairly straightforward. When your dog barks, you need to break their attention and redirect it to a new behavior, followed by a reward.”

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To accomplish this, Caughill recommends grabbing dog trainer Brandon McMillan’s Shake & Break training aid. “Just rattle the aid every time your dog breaks, and they should immediately stop barking and look to the source of the noise,” Caughill says. “Next, give them a command, such as touch (while holding out your hand) or ‘go to your bed.’ Once the dog performs the correct behavior, give them a training treat."

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