JWST-10 Amazing Facts

2 years ago

JWST-10 Amazing Facts.
James Webb Space Telescope is the biggest telescope ever launched. JWST is an Infrared observatory that will extend its probe earlier done by Hubble's telescope. once fully cooled and calibrated, JWST will give us insights into the beginning of the Universe. Today we are going to provide you with 10 amazing facts about James Webb Space Telescope and we are starting now.

#1. JWST is the Largest Ever Space Telescope.
JWST is the largest ever space telescope ever created and launched. Before JWST, the Hubble telescope was sent into space in 1990 and was holding this record.

#2. JWST has 24-Karat Gold-Coated Mirrors.
JWST has 24-Karat gold-coated mirror mounted over it. Gold is 98% more reflective compared to ordinary mirrors. Light captured with gold-plated mirrors will be able to grasp precisely an object's light shifted towards the red side of the electromagnetic spectrum.

#3. JWST is Non-Serviceable.
Hubble telescope is often serviced because Hubble orbits Earth approximately 340 miles away. Since JWST is orbiting at Lagrange point which is 1 Million miles away from earth so it is not possible to service JWST.

#4. JWST's Precision & Accuracy.
The powerful tools of JWST are capable of detecting the smallest objects from long distances. for example, it can see a bee accurately as far away as the moon.

#5. JWST can Probe Exoplanets.
James Webb Space Telescope can detect life-encouraging elements on exoplanets like water and different chemical compositions. JWST can also find traces of alien life.

#6. JWST and The First Ever Light.
The James Webb Space Telescope will find the first-ever light emanating from first-ever galaxies and stars created in the Universe. The powerful tools of JWST will reveal the events which were unknown to humans before.

#7. JWST was unfolded during its launch.
Due to its unique design, it was technically impossible to launch JWST traditionally so JWST was folded in a capsule. Once the capsule reached the space, JWST unfolded itself gradually until it reached the Lagrange point.

#8. JWST is Fire & Ice at the Same Time.
To operate at an optimal level JWST's instruments need to cool down to more than -226 degrees celsius. To prevent its instruments from the scorching sun, JWST has a five-layer sun shield that remains at 80 degrees Celsius temperature.

#9. JWST is Far From Home.
The reason JWST will operate 1 million miles away from Earth is that at that point, JWST will stay in line with Earth while it moves around the sun. This will permit JWST's large sun shields to protect the telescope from the heat and light of the sun.

#10. JWST was Launched Smartly.
JWST was launched from European Spaceport near French Guiana in South America which is close to the Equator. The fast Earth spin near the equator enhanced the flight of the Ariane 5 rocket which carried the JWST.

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