Criminally Insane Biden Claims Catholic God Blesses Abortion

2 years ago

Stealing SCOTUS’ Briefs: Democrat operatives stole a Supreme Court legal summary about rolling back abortion and published it online. Now a wild-eyed, profane group of abortion absolutists are ramping up an unprecedented campaign against SCOTUS to buffalo them into leftist compliance, including pinning them down in their own homes with progressive protesters.

Inchoate, Reptilian-Brained Socialist: Joe Biden directed his flame-haired minion Jen Psaki to state…“I don’t think we have a particular view on that,” being the SCOTUS paperwork theft and blackmailing justices into obsequiousness. Really?!! It’s actually against the law.

Johnboy Roberts: Yet, but for SCOTUS Chief John Robert’s groveling before Obama after his threats, would we be in this baleful spot? No. In fact, Roberts convinced liberals that the way to stop Conservatives laws was blackmail and threats. And so Roberts ended up buddies with Barack and hated Trump. But recall, during SCOTUS’s preparation to rule on Obamacare’s legality, an anxious Barack volunteered an ominous, threatening statement to Robert’s court:

“And I’d just remind conservative commentators that, for years, what we have heard is, the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism, or a lack of judicial restraint, that an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law. Well, this is a good example, and I’m pretty confident that this court will recognize that and not take that step.”

Pretzel John: Don’t forget how Chief Roberts then twisted himself into a pretzel to save Obamacare, and ergo, Obama’s entire presidency:

“The Obamacare Supreme Court ruling seemed strange. Chief Justice John Roberts’ reasoning was incoherent. Now, we know why. CBS News stated Roberts switched sides in May, withstanding a “one-month campaign” from conservative colleagues to change his mind. “Roberts initially sided with conservatives, prepared to strike down the individual mandate. “But Roberts changed his views, deciding to instead join with the liberals, after a 1-month campaign to bring Roberts back into the conservative fold, led, ironically, by Anthony Kennedy.”
Robert’s Cave: But what was the result of Robert’s caving to the left? The survival of an unconstitutional law that harmed the US. But bigger, the survival of Obama’s presidency, which caused catastrophic harm to America’s long term interests. No Obama, no Biden. But Roberts merely kicked the can down the road a few years before reaching the inevitable leftist showdown, to threaten any who disagree with them up to the point of violence. Thanks, John!

Now, we’re in the midst of furious Democrat machinations over the imperiled, unfettered “right to unborn humans.” Yet, this law would simply allow individual states to ban abortions, much how the Founders wanted States to decision-make as often as possible. Much ado about nothing! Yet, this gives histrionic Dems room to fight for their previously supine super-leftists.

Li’l Joe, God’s Baby Killer: Joe Biden declared himself a “Child of God” while bizarrely demanding the right to conduct executions of mere human children in God’s name. Biden’s statement is actuall a superb logical syllogism against abortion: “I believe I have the rights that I have, not because the government gave it to me, which you believe, but because I’m just a child of God; I exist.” He might have just as well stated, to mock DeCartes: “I think, therefore I abort!”

Joe & Natural Law: Joe Biden, just like Pope Frank, is a Catholic apostate rejecting Church teachings. Pope Francis quite likely has more sympathy for King Herod than Jesus, after all. Now, here is Joe Biden’s own Catholic Natural Law theory of rights applied to abortion:

“Natural law ethics defines murder as the gravely immoral evil of directly taking innocent human life. Decent men recognize this as a basic moral precept. Without space to defend this precept fully, the argument begins that rights flow from obligations. God gives us life and obliges us to live it well so as to attain the Supreme Good, God himself. That obligation gives us the corresponding right to live. Because others must respect our right to live, it is immoral to violate that right by taking an innocent human life.
Abortion is such an immoral act -- evil by its very nature (intrinsically evil), since it directly attacks the most fundamental human right. Nor can such an act be justified by any utilitarian purpose, however good, since natural law forbids using an intrinsically evil means to attain a good end.”
Bad, Bad Joe: Biden is not just a bad, abortion-embracing Catholic, but the most failed leader in US history. His goal is to single-handedly cause America to fail to usher in Utopia, and then world socialism. Let’s do the Lord’s real work and oust his deranged Democrat party in the coming Nov. 2022 elections.

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