It’s Becoming Much More Difficult to Cover Up the Election Steal

2 years ago

[00:30] Fox News Covers Election Steal (28 minutes)

After refraining from discussing the election steal for 18 months, Tucker Carlson finally interviewed True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht on his show to discuss how the radical left stole the 2020 election. Though he never mentioned Dinesh D’Souza’s 2,000 Mules documentary, Tucker Carlson did say at the end of his segment that “we need to be absolutely certain we know what happened in 2020.” Based on the evidence from True the Vote, we can be.

[28:40] 2,000 Mules Gaining Attention (12 minutes)

Donald Trump premiered 2,000 Mules at his resort in Mar-a-Lago Wednesday night to help publicize evidence of the 2020 election steal. At his rally in Pennsylvania tonight—where over 1,000 mules were caught trafficking ballots on video—Mr. Trump plans to show the documentary again. The election steal finally seems to be getting the attention it deserved from the very beginning.

[40:40] Bible Study: Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness (14 minutes)

In His sermon on the Mount of Olives, Jesus Christ admonished His disciples to hunger and thirst after righteousness, and that if they would do so, they would be spiritually filled! If we follow this same admonition today, God makes the same promise to us that we too shall be spiritually filled to the full.

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