Pfizer | BioNTech | Wuhan | CCP China Connection | Dr. Naomi Wolf

2 years ago

Pfizer and BioNTech's Unsettling Alignment With the Chinese Communist Party: Dr. Naomi Wolf

2009: Pfizer opened research and development hubs in three Chinese cities; one of them was Wuhan.

2020: Pfizer partnered with BioNTech right as the pandemic was rolling out to acquire their mRNA vaccine technology for them to produce the mRNA vaccines.

March of 2020: BioNtech united with Fosun pharmaceuticals out of Shanghai, China. Fosun injected $100 million into its joint venture. BioNtech agreed to provide the patent technology, and Fosun agreed to build the factories.

2021 SEC Filing Statement: There was a completed 100% tech transfer from BioNTech to China (no mention of Fosun Pharmaceuticals).

"This is a global company with a hub in Wuhan and a strong alliance with the Chinese Communist Party and at least some of its regional research and development and distribution centers, with a joint venture sharing data."

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Big Pharma-CCP Alignment

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Dr Naomi Wolf is leading the PfizerDocDump investigation team - visit the website to see what they've discovered so far:

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