Changes coming to Road User Charges

2 years ago

New Zealand is currently consulting to change how road maintenance is costed to vehicle drivers.

You can't collect road tax in petrol tax if people drive electric vehicles.

0:00 Intro
2:40 User pays
7:33 How do we measure road use?
9:10 Bill solution in RUC or Fuel?
10:40 Statistics on dangerous vehicles ACC.
11:40 Pollution from burning fuel
12:45 Lawn mowers are worse than cars
14:00 PHEVs
14:35 RUC for all vehicles
15:20 Fairness for ACC and classic cars
16:50 Graduated light vehicle RUC class weights
18:25 Lightweight Kei Cars
19:35 Light weight new vehicle classes
20:15 Delivery vehicles
21:05 Enclosed Mobility
22:50 Weight Classes
23:20 Power to Weight: Zippy danger
24:20 Accident story
24:50 Kei cars
26:20 SUVs and UTES
30:15 Phase out terrible engines
32:20 Very efficient vehicles
33:00 RUC discounts

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