Why Sitting is the New Smoking! | Easy Lifestyle Hacks to Add Movement Into Your Life | DTH Podcast

2 years ago

Did you know that sitting has been branded the “new smoking” because of its health risks? Sitting for extended hours a day may seem like a small thing but in fact does have a profound impact on our health and quality of life.

On todays show we will be learning why that is and some easy simple lifestyle hacks to lose weight, stay fit, and improve the quality of our lives through making movement part of our lifestyle.

My guest is Ben Reuter, he’s an exercise physiologist and university faculty member. He holds numerous professional certifications in major strength and conditioning associations. His philosophy is that movement is not just an activity but a lifestyle that enhances our quality of life.

A recent analysis done of sitting time vs activity levels..found that those who sat for more than eight hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying similar to the risks of dying from obesity and smoking.

Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns.. include obesity, cancer, heart disease, depression, high blood pressure and blood sugar, excess body fat in the midsection and abnormal cholesterol levels.

With all our new technology many of us have desk jobs working at a computer, we’re not out plowing the fields anymore growing our own food growing our own food.. doing physical labor. So while technology is great and it’s improved our lives in many ways we also need to be aware of and find ways to offset the detrimental health effects technology can cause both physiologically and psychologically. Find out more on today’s show.

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