Nursing Student Speaks Out on Ethics of Forced Vaccination After Being Fired for Vaccine Refusal

2 years ago

Under the guise of public safety and during a supposed worldwide pandemic, thousands of Canadian doctors and nurses were fired this year for refusing to take the c19 vaccine. In an ironic twist, many hospitals left with an acute shortage of staff began allowing covid positive and asymptomatic healthcare workers back on the job. Follow the Science the provincial health czars said, but does anything of this make sense especially with recent studies indicating that the C19 injection does not stop transmission? To put the cherry on the cake, it is not just doctors and nurses being told to take a hike, but countless college and university students being forced out of their careers that they invested money and time into.

What is really going on here? Is this about public health and safety or about cleansing the health care system of people of a certain political idealogy. The totalitarian left are forcing people with conservative values out of healthcare and, far worse, they are not even entitled to unemployment benefits. It is a cunning and vicious attack on their political opponents.

In this video, I interview Trevor who was until recently a second year nursing student at a Vancouver nursing school. Trevor raises some concerns about the ethics of forced vaccination.

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