Things to talking about what's coming next after settled in UK

2 years ago

Hello, there. Ben's adventure Blogger haven't meet any of you for a while since i were having a rough journey when i approach here. As you can see, when i first approached to UK in advance. There's more problem than i thought need to be solve urgently, such as like purchase TV license, setting up council tax and also setting up the utility bill payment.

And once i arrived in Birmingham, there's so many undiscovered place that i need to explore before i started looking for a new job for me to start work to finish basic life needs. Like as i said, UK basic prices are quite expensive and were struggled to afford because of global inflation reason that made it happened. But once i heard one of the Hong Kong driver who've been settle in UK and he said willing to work hard to ensure your life will be stable. What's worrying about the most was about the safety issue when walking on the street.

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