When you know the entire system is FD corrupt ... please read the description box.

2 years ago

When you know the entire system was created by filthy Freemasons, for the benefit of the family cult of Freemason DeMolay filth a network of bred for purpose Freemason family filth!
I say NO to all of them.
I say NO to all their created bureaucracies
I say NO to all of it.

We stand everyday at 11am to instruct our Governors to use their reserve power to dissolve parliaments ALL PARLIAMENTS local, state and federal - to issue the writs for fresh elections.

I want all the documents Senator Bill Heffernan produced to the royal commission released to the people unredacted - and I am NOT negotiating - this is the line in the sand and I will hold this line every damn day.

I know of the Freemason stitch up inside the Australian Constitution
Part 2 THE SENATE point 7 and 16 "those chosen shall be certified by the Governor to the Governor-General."

I know about the creation of the Westminster System under King Edward III. I know about his "favourites".

I know the only people ever to sit in our parliaments, judiciary, main stream media, arts and entertainment, sports, academia, sciences, all the prominent people - I know who they are, all bred for purpose Freemason inbred filth - I know this because I have researched them all.... and their collective silence convicts them all now.

Child Raping Freemason DeMolay family cults of filth.

The politicians wrote the legislation that rounded up your children.
The politicians created and or licensed those "institutions" to operate as houses of abuse and supply .. filthy spider insiders ALL OF THEM bred for purpose.

Sydney Grammar Schools Act 1854 written by the politicians of the day "WHEREAS it is deemed expedient for re-legion, morality and the promotion of useful knowledge".

Freemason cult of filth write the school curriculums (bureaucrats), the only people prominent in our societies come out of Freemason families and are educated inside filthy Freemason Schools ... take a good look at those school badges folks - all the filthy FD schools have Masonic symbolism all over their filthy school badges.

And we know of the abuse inside these filthy schools and institutions because 42,041 fellow Australian contacted the royal commission!

You find the filthy Freemason DeMolay bred for purpose spider insider every time by knowing the answers to just two questions...
Q1. Where did they go to school which primary and which high school?
Q2. Who's your Daddy?

The entire system build by Freemason filth to fleece the average joe
Freemason DeMolay connected judges - all of them, who are "chosen" by the politicians of the day who are also Freemason DeMolay connected!!!!!! circle of inbred filth - all of them.
Freemason costumed thugs (aka police) all ranked and bred for purpose thugs - their job is to protect ONLY the Freemason family cult of filth.

That masonic lodge in every district across our nations
District cemeteries - their filthy Freemason headstones show us all the high story (history) the symbolism is undeniable, when you take the time to look.

I see your Freemason DeMolay network of family filth and I say no to all of all it.

Number 2 of 10
"Thou shalt NOT bow thy self down to them, nor serve them"

Oh and that whole bowing thing - thanks to Sean Hross I know about this also - the flat skulls (the genetic defect from all that inbreeding) bowing so the Pharaoh of the day can do a quick back of the head scan.

I have no adequate words to express my disgust at who and what you filthy Freemason folk are .. Created from the seed of sin, you will always be - I know - I see you now. Freemason family secret it ain't no secret anymore :)

To Senator Bill Heffernan thank you - your speech said it all.
"It's no so much the secret that is the problem, it is when the 28 on this list keep each others secrets, there is a former prime minister on this list and it's a police document. I've actually got the list here and a lot of them are still practicing."

"When the police find it necessary to put a judge under surveillance and that surveillance is dropping because of a lack of cooperation between the New South Wales Police and the AFP - we have a problem."

To New South Wales MP Franca Arena thank you, you did a brilliant job leaving all the evidence in the Hansard.

Franca Arena Hansard ⬇️ starts at page 5
Premier Bob Carr meeting with Commission James Roland.
Who in the legal fraternity frequented the Costello's Boys Brothel?
Paddy Bergin assistant to the commission said "we will adjourn for morning tea", and they never went back to it ... Commission James Roland Wood when questioned by Senator Bill Heffernan
Wood said "we've decided not to revisit that issue because the public would lose confidence in the judiciary".


A line through every name on every ballot paper, write neatly at the bottom "No suitable candidate to follow my will" - for this is the truth.

Every day 11am stand and instruct your Governor's, Anzac it is time to bring an end to the Freemason sh!t show.

Follow me on Telegram for daily update on the standing Anzac's across Australia and New Zealand.
Mob +64 27 5504468

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