Elaborating on the B’Tselem Apartheid Report - Richard Falk

3 years ago

Richard Falk is Albert G. Milbank Professor Emeritus of International Law, Princeton University, currently Chair of Global Law, Law Faculty, Queen Mary University London. Falk served as UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Occupied Palestine (2008-2014), and served as Chair of the Board of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 2005-2012. He wrote (Re)Imagining Humane Global Governance(2014), which proposes a value-oriented assessment of world order and future trends. His most recent books are Power Shift(2016); Revisiting the Vietnam War(2017); On Nuclear Weapons: Denuclearization, Demilitarization and Disarmament(2019). Since 2009 Falk has been annually nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. A political memoir by Falk, Public Intellectual: the Life of a Citizen Pilgrim was published March 2021.

Richard Falk commented on B’Tselem’s recent report concluding that Israel is an apartheid regime, as well as Israel’s enactment of a Basic Law in 2018 that gives preferential status to Jews. He described the apparatus of the apartheid state of Israel, including discrimination based on ethnicity, immigration, land tenure, citizenship, nationality and language rights, freedom of mobility and the issuance of building permits. What are the odds for a peaceful future for Israel if the country does not dismantle apartheid? What will happen if Israel refuses to treat Palestinians according to human rights standards, including respect for the Palestinian right of self-determination? Falk concluded by recommending global solidarity initiatives to bring about a just solution.

The web-based conference "End US Support for Israeli Apartheid?" considers whether the United States should now cut off aid to Israel, or make any such future assistance conditional on negotiation of a genuine peace settlement, respect for Palestinian human rights, and adherence to international law.

IsraelApartheidCon is solely sponsored by the American Educational Trust, publisher of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, and the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep).

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs website: https://WRMEA.org
Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy: https://IRmep.org

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