Blues Scale First Guitar Lesson for Beginners [How to Solo]

2 years ago

This Blues guitar lesson for beginners video will take the first step to learn how to solo and improvise by showing how to play the Pentatonic Minor scale box pattern.
@Paluzzi Guitar

Blues Scale for Beginners First Guitar Lesson [How to Solo]
00:00 Lesson Preview
00:20 Pentatonic Minor Scale
00:59 Using a Guitar Pick
01:33 How to Play the Blues Scale on Guitar
08:48 Blues Box Pattern
10:49 Blues Scale Exercise #1
11:55 Blues Box Pattern [Descending]
13:53 Blues Box Pattern [Up & Down]
15:21 Blues Scale Exercise #2
17:13 Associating Moods with Scales
17:46 Build Finger Strength & Flexibility
18:25 Blues Scale Exercise #3
19:11 Lesson Review

Blues [Pentatonic Minor] Scale Guitar Lesson Plan pdf

Blues Guitar Lessons Playlist

Blues Guitar Lesson for Beginners
With this blues guitar lesson for beginners video, we'll take the first step in learning how to solo and improvise on guitar by showing how to play the Pentatonic Minor scale box pattern. With box pattern diagrams, guitar tabs, and three blues scale exercises, we'll cover it all with a step by step approach.

How Play Pentatonic Minor Minor Scale Guitar Lesson
When it comes to soloing, the primary scale used in most Blues and Rock songs is the Pentatonic Minor scale. ‘Pentatonic Minor’ is the more official or ‘academic’ name of the scale, but most guitarists refer to it as simply the ‘Blues scale’. In order to learn how to solo and improvise with Blues and Rock, the first step will be to become familiar with playing the Pentatonic Minor scale in a box pattern form.

How to Play the Blues Scale on Guitar
This guitar lesson for beginners video will show how to play Blues [Pentatonic Minor] scale in ascending and descending order.

How to Play the Blues Box Pattern on Guitar
A blues box pattern is essentially an ‘aerial view’ of the blues scale going across the six strings, with the sixth ‘bottom’ string being on the far left and the first ‘top’ string being on the far right. The finger numbers to fret with are shown in circles. All of the blues scale notes played in this blues guitar lesson will ‘fit’ within this box pattern. When learning how to solo blues on guitar, various blues box patterns will be used.

Blues Scale Exercises for Guitar
This Blues guitar lesson features three blues scale exercises. For beginners, the primary objective early on is to develop finger strength and flexibility. Not only is playing the Pentatonic Minor Blues box pattern a great exercise for the fingers, the same pattern will actually be used in many classic Blues and Rock guitar solos. Make sure all fingers are as close to the frets as possible when playing the blues box pattern, especially when fretting with the third and fourth (‘pinky’) fingers.

Associating Moods with Scales
One advantage to learning the Pentatonic Minor Blues box pattern on guitar is that the intended ‘Bluesy’ mood of the Pentatonic Minor scale can clearly be heard. Associating moods with scales develops the ability to learn songs and melodies ‘by ear’. In time, by simply recognizing the mood of a guitar solo as being either Rock or Blues-based, a guitarist can associate that mood with the Pentatonic Minor scale and immediately begin to ‘jam-along’ or improvise with the track without having to rely on any sort of written notation.

Guitar Scales Lessons Playlist

Paluzzi Guitar
The objective of the Paluzzi Guitar video series is to help establish a foundation of guitar fundamentals by applying various playing techniques (rhythm, fingerstyle, and soloing) to various styles of music. The more playing styles and techniques a guitarist can learn, the more diverse and self-sufficient a guitarist will become. A self-sufficient guitarist can teach themselves, communicate with musicians, and even write their own music once a foundation of fundamentals is established.

Paluzzi Guitar - The Creative Guitarist Book Series
The Creative Guitarist Method Series was written and designed by Kevin J. Paluzzi of Paluzzi Guitar Instruction in San Diego, CA.

San Diego Guitar Lessons

There really isn’t any one particular playing style or technique required in order to classify someone as a guitarist. This series of Paluzzi Guitar books and videos are designed with a ‘pick and choose’ topic format (songwriting, soloing, etc.) so that once the Guitar Basics are completed, the guitarist can decide to focus on whatever topic they wish to study.

Blues Scale for Beginners First Guitar Lesson [How to Solo]

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