Dawn of Computer Music

2 years ago

The first song composed for and played by a computer was The Silver Scale on May 17, 1957. This video discusses the physics and hardware necessary for this invention, as well as the domain specific language, MUSIC-V, that arose for efficient programming of sound waves.


Roads, Curtis. 2011. The computer music tutorial. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

Fagen, M. D., Amos E. Joel, and G. E. Schindler. 1975. A history of engineering and science in the Bell System.

Gareth Loy and Curtis Abbott. 1985. Programming languages for computer music synthesis, performance, and composition. ACM Comput. Surv. 17, 2 (June 1985), 235–265. https://doi.org/10.1145/4468.4485

Max V. Mathews, Joan E. Miller, F. R. Moore, John R. Pierce, and J. C. Risset. 1969. The Technology of Computer Music. The MIT Press.

Newman Guttman, "The Silver Scale," track 1 on Computer Music Currents 13: The Historical CD of Digital Sound Synthesis. Wergo, WER 20332.

John Chowning, Max Mathews, Curtis Roads. 2004. Odysseys in Technology: Music Meets The Computer, lecture by John Chowning et al. Computer History Museum Speaker Series, Computer History Museum.

Roads, C., and Max Mathews. “Interview with Max Mathews.” Computer Music Journal 4, no. 4 (1980): 15–22. https://doi.org/10.2307/3679463.

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