How To Properly Count The Passover (Feast of Unleavened Bread) | Uzziah Israel

3 years ago

If you would like our high holy day calendar, you can find it here:

Are you wondering when you should keep the Passover?

In today's video, Elder Uzziah gives a deep breakdown of how to count the Passover days properly.

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Are you wondering how to celebrate Passover?

Are you wondering how to celebrate Feast of Unleavened Bread?

Are you wondering how to celebrate Passover as a Christian?

Are you wondering how to celebrate Passover according to the Bible?

This video addresses how to celebrate Passover Hebrew Israelites.

This year, I've outlined how to celebrate passover 2021.

Not only does this review old testament scriptures for how to celebrate passover jewish, this also includes passover in the new testament for those wondering how to celebrate passover messianic.

Are you alone and are wondering how to celebrate Passover at home? This video teaches you how to count the passover days so that you know how to celebrate passover alone.

You may want to know how to celebrate passover alone, but remember, Holy Convocation is a part of the law, so please do so if you can! Don't look for how to keep the passover by yourself if you can celebrate it with a righteous congregation.

In this video, I outline how to celebrate passover week.

There are those in the Jewish community wondering how to celebrate Passover seder.

Watch this video if you want to know passover dates 2021.

If you want to know when is passover 2021, watch this video.

This video is passover explained.

Here's an overview of what will be reviewed:

1. When is the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread?
In order to count the Passover properly, you have to know when the Passover begins in scripture and when we're commanded to eat unleavened bread.

2. Understanding the law of Moses.
When we read in the law (also known as the Torah), we are given clear instructions in multiple books about how long the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread should be. We review those verses in the lesson. For example:

Exodus 12:18
In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at even, ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at even.

In the video, Elder Uzziah explains this verse in detail.

3. Common Passover Myths
Did you know that some observers of the Passover may be celebrating the week one day short? Some may be keeping the sabbaths on the wrong days. These errors are based upon common myths about the Passover, including the understanding of the "7-day" feast that is mentioned in the old testament, along with charting the beginning of Passover on the 14th day.

These are very important passages to be cleared up because you don't want to mistakenly keep the feast improperly. This video rightly divides the word of God, so that you know exactly what you're supposed to do.

4. The Difference Between The 14th Day and The 15th Day
Is there a difference between the evening of the 14th day, and the 15th day? If so, how would you know what the difference is? This question is answered in detail, using Bible verses as examples along with scholarly references.

5. The Difference Between the Evening and Night
When the Bible references the word "evening," is it synonymous with the word "night?" In other words, do the two words always mean the same thing? A deep explanation will be uncovered in this lesson.

6. A Visual Review of Our 2021 High Holy Day Calendar
In this video, you'll get a sneak peek inside of True Spirit of Christ's 2021 High Holy Day Calendar, where we show you the dates where we'll be keeping the Passover, how long it is, and which days during the feast are sabbaths.

If you would like your own copy of our High Holy Day Calendar for you and your family, you can find it here:

Also, if you haven't watched our previous class on How to Count the High Holy Days, you should probably do so. You can find that here:

Our lesson on "How to Count the High Holy Days" explains how to chart on a calendar ALL of the feast days, not just Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread.

7. Passover in the New Testament
Not only do we examine Passover as it was given to us in the law from the old testament, we uncover how Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread was kept in the New Testament as well.

We will observe how Christ and his disciples kept the Passover, and examine how the words "Passover" and "Feast of Unleavened Bread" are used interchangeably. You will also notice which day of the feast of Passsover that our foreparents honored as a sabbath.

You will notice how the word "Easter" is mentioned in the Bible once, but it is written as a misprint for the Passover.

We will also focus on the specific timeline of events that happened on that day

Lastly, we will conclude by reviewing the chronology of Jesus Christ's death, burial and resurrection.

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