Minor Scale Flamenco Riff Guitar Lesson for Beginners [How to Solo]

2 years ago

This guitar lesson for beginners video will show how to solo with a minor scale flamenco riff.
@Paluzzi Guitar

With this minor scale guitar lesson video, we'll take another step closer to being able to solo and improvise by showing how to play a classic flamenco-style guitar riff with the minor scale box pattern. Along with guitar tabs and box pattern diagrams, we'll cover it all with a step by step approach.

Minor Scale Flamenco Riff Guitar Lesson for Beginners [How to Solo]
00:00 Lesson Preview
00:25 Classic Minor Scale Riffs
01:06 Natural Minor Scale Box Pattern
02:42 'Thē Minor Scale Riff'
09:02 'Thē Minor Scale Riff' Review
10:00 How to Combine Guitar Riffs
11:23 Riff-Box Pattern-Riff Review
12:03 Tips How to Play Riffs with Rhythm
13:22 'A' Minor Backing Rhythm
13:58 How to Play Riffs in Keys - 1
15:23 'G' Minor Backing Rhythm
15:59 How to Play Riffs in Keys - 2
17:15 'Db' Minor Backing Rhythm
17:52 Play Without Guide Guitar Solo
18:34 'Bb' Minor Backing Rhythm
19:36 Lesson Review

Minor Scale Flamenco Riff for Beginners Guitar Lesson Plan pdf

Classic Minor Scale Flamenco Riffs
A riff can be described as a sort of ‘musical sentence’, and to solo and improvise with the Minor scale, a music vocabulary needs to be developed by copying and memorizing collection of standard or classic Minor scale riffs. There are many minor riffs that have been passed on from generation to generation of guitarists, and with this guitar lesson we'll show how to play a classic flamenco riff with the minor scale along with the minor scale box pattern. We'll then play the minor riff and box pattern along with various flamenco rhythm backing tracks in different keys.

Previous Minor Scale Guitar Lessons for Beginners
Before continuing with this Minor Scale guitar lesson, you should know some Minor Scale guitar solo basics, including how to play the natural minor scale box pattern and how to play the minor scale in any keys:

Minor Scale Guitar Lesson for Beginners [How to Solo]
How to Solo in Any Key Guitar Lesson for Beginners [Minor Scale]

Thē Minor Scale Flamenco Riff
‘The Minor Scale Riff’ is named so specifically for this lesson, but this minor riff has been around for years and variations of it are heard in many classic songs. We'll learn how to play this minor scale flamenco riff in the Key of ‘A’ Minor, using notes from the ‘A’ Minor scale box pattern. ‘Thē Minor Scale Riff’ introduces two new solo techniques: sliding and vibrato.

How to Play Flamenco Riffs on Guitar
The Minor scale flamenco riff starts with a three five-note phrases that go up and down the first, second, and third strings. This flamenco guitar riff for beginners is played within the ‘A’ Minor box pattern. The fourth fret note played on the third string is not part of the standard ‘A’ Minor scale box pattern along the fifth fret, but is still part of the ‘A’ Minor scale, which can be played over the entire fretboard and will be covered in later minor scale guitar lessons.

How to slide notes on guitar
The last note of this minor scale flamenco riff features a slide ( / ). Fretting with the correct fingers results with the second finger being aligned along the fourth string/fifth fret to begin the slide up to the seventh fret.

How to Use Vibrato for Beginners on Guitar
Vibrato is notated with a wavy line. Vibrato is a combination of slightly shaking and sustaining a note. Being able to combine the slide with vibrato will take time while the fretting fingers gradually become stronger. Initially, focus on sustaining the last note played before adding vibrato.

Natural Minor Scale Guitar Tutorial
The Minor (aka Natural Minor) scale can generally be described as having a sad, serious, & Spanish/flamenco-like mood or tone. The Minor Scale can be played in various styles of music ranging from flamenco, to jazz, to rock. This minor scale guitar tutorial will show how to a classic flamenco guitar riff with the Natural Minor scale box pattern.

Moveable Flamenco Guitar Riffs
This Flamenco guitar riff for beginners is movable, meaning the same pattern can be played along any fret position or key on guitar.

Practice in Different Keys
Once the ‘A’ Minor scale flamenco guitar riff pattern can be played, the next step will be to play the minor scale box pattern along different fret positions or keys.

Flamenco Guitar Lessons Playlist:

Guitar Scales Lesson Playlist

Paluzzi Guitar
The Creative Guitarist Method Series was written and designed by Kevin J. Paluzzi of Paluzzi Guitar Instruction in San Diego, CA.

San Diego Guitar Lessons

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