JJ Redick ought be a comedian.

2 years ago

JJ the Joker. We all know what your job is little boy. don't respond to me. I'll send you crying to your mommy. I mean that literally boy. You Satan lover

Honestly people if you can't figure out that the modern NBA is a ballet controlled by the commissioner and his hench men. The league is one giant posse. It needs to be done away with. they are not playing basketball. they are playing a scripted ballet for you. And they aren't even good at it. At least 10 times a game in any important game they have obvious officiating errors combined and parlayed with obvious misuse and misapplication of the rule book. The rule book for the game itself is nothing but a show piece for how to rig the game through semantics. The rule books basically define the end outcome into a fairly narrow set of circumstances which is exactly why you see seemingly endless repeating of past outcomes within sports. It's a giant matrix and you took the blue pill buddy.

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