TINLA 176 Federal Election 2022 Candidates QandA. #Auspol #ElectionResults https://amzn.to/3sFE2Xa

2 years ago

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00:00 Introduction including what the questions were, and brief response to my own questions;
16:32 Tracy Tirronen - United Australia Party (UAP) - O'Connor, Western Australia;
19:53 Scott Robson - Independent - Melbourne, Victoria;
24:35 Abram Lazootin - Australian Federation Party - Makin, South Australia;
25:46 Stephen Humble - Liberal Democratic Party - Bass, Tasmania;
38:34 Matilda Bawden - Australian Federation Party - Spence, South Australia;
49:26 Citizens Party and Fusion Party
50:04 Monica Shepherd - IMOP - Richmond, NSW.
53:40 Tony Moore - United Australia Party (UAP) - Fisher, Qld;
59:35 Rebecca Lloyd & Steve Dickson - Independents - Queensland Senate, Group H;
1:05:26 Kelli Jacobi - Independent - Wide Bay, Queensland;
1:19:25 Peter Rogers - Independent - Queensland Senate, Ungrouped (vote below the line);
1:23:51 Angela Ketas - Informed Medical Options Party (IMOP) - Paterson, New South Wales;
1:28:58 Thor Prohaska - Independent - Dickson, Queensland;
1:31:28 Julie Collins - Independent - NSW Senate, Ungrouped (vote below the line);
1:54:55 Greg Butler - Australian Democrats - Eden-Monaro, New South Wales;
1:57:57 Sinim Australie - Independent - Fairfax, Qld;
2:05:36 George Christensen - Pauline Hanson's One Nation (PHON/ON) - Queensland Senate, Group X;
2:06:16 Janine Kitson - Ind. - Bradfield, New South Wales; &
2:15:51 Conclusion.

TINLA 174: IMOP, Silvia Mogorovich, Allona Lahn, Anna Stancombe & the Ultracrepiadarians. #Auspol22: https://youtu.be/BepL7vXl4Cs
#TINLA 175 #RiccardoBosi & #CraigCole #ineligible for #Parliament? Galactic Larrikins #Auspol #Elect https://youtu.be/JS4b5NgyMZ0?t=488

Joaquim De Lima - Liberal Democrat - Hume, NSW replied via Twitter (with a couple of video links too to Reignite Democracy Survey/s that have many overlapping themes to my questions): https://twitter.com/joaquim4gov/status/1527494106263392256

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