MAY 2022 - Build a blog worth reading by Blythe Morrow (@BlytheMorrow)

2 years ago

Creating a blog worth reading is no easy task. It’s a fine balance between consistency, topic choice, readability and SEO magic. Join marketing expert Blythe Morrow as we discuss how to build content for technical audiences that generates reads that connects you deeper into the SQL Server Community. Learn what it takes to eliminate confusion for your readers and connect people in a way that solves their problems. We'll also have a cameo or two from SQL celebrity bloggers who can lend advice and tips. Why I Want to Present This Session: I've been working with businesses in the Microsoft Data Platform for almost 10 years now, and I know how valuable SQL Server consultants are to the companies who need them. I'm here to connect the dots - between consulting, SQL Server and lead generation.

Speaker Bio
Blythe works with a team of people who love Data Platforms and technology marketing. She started 10 years ago as the Community Manager for PASS and now spends her days helping companies that build products and services on the Microsoft Data Platform. She offers advice to CMOs and CEOs on how to competitively position their companies, create and manage their brands, enter the digital arena and maximize marketing and sales investments.

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