What Would Trump Do to Defeat the Baby Formula Crisis?

2 years ago

WWDJT Do? What would Donald John Trump do in this baby formula crisis? Now first let's admit the way this drama materialized would likely be impossible for Trump to have made so many stupid mistakes so that babies don't have a ready supply of nutrition. But, in overseeing this crisis what would Donald do differently than Joe Biden? This is actually a very easy question. First he would use all available sources of product, then he would simultaneously build new capabilities here while rushing to import baby formula from anywhere else in the world.

Baby Formula Collapse: What happened here is the main company supplying formula, Abbott Nutrition had a big plant shut down by the FDA, for fear of contamination. But dithered reopening. Yet, the main problem is that Biden’s admin never saw this as a potential crisis, so by the time the product was no longer on the shelves, Biden had done nothing. They have no ability to prognosticate problems.

Sadly, Biden’s Troops Don’t Care Whether US Babies are Aborted or Starve

Why did Joe dither? Several reasons. First, the Biden Admin has no real experience in private business and is not proactive. Second, they’re distracted by various ploys to restrict US fuel production, supersize border crossings, increase taxes, continue mask mandates, battle for abortion before it’s even lost, and meander into Ukraine, etc. Now, Biden finally instituted an emergency law, and agreed with Abbot to reopen. But the fact is, by not being aware of this danger and refusing to plan ahead, an avoidable crisis across America is terrifying mothers.

Trump’s predictable response: To begin, let's look at the crisis Trump successfully instituted with something called Operation Warp Speed. With a crisis ten or a hundred times more daunting than missing formula, Donald figured out a way to reduce the time down for a vaccine cure to a matter of months. A vax usually takes 5 years, or so. Trump turned the problem of covid into a military like goal in which the government organized as an all-hands-on-deck strategy, with many labs toiling at once to try and solve covid and it worked.

Dr Shulkin – Trump Wasn’t Skulkin’! In fact, Doctor David Shulkin, MD of “ Innovations in Care Delivery” – in an essay about Trump’s strategy:

Health Care Can Learn from Operation Warp Speed The “RAPID” process used in Operation Warp Speed achieved amazing results at a time of great need:

The delivery of two commercial vaccines in less than a year is nothing short of miraculous. Solutions to many other medical problems remain elusive after decades of work. So why was the U.S. government’s Operation Warp Speed (OWS) so effective in achieving many of its goals?
Other medical miracles have been achieved, but few with the speed and success of developing the Covid-19 vaccines. Historically, you need to go back decades to recall other missions of such importance. Project Apollo was the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)’s project to land a man on the moon.From 1961 to 1969, thousands of government workers focused on achieving this goal at a cost of $28 billion (inflation-adjusted).
Prior to Apollo, the most famous large-scale research undertaking arguably was the Manhattan Project. Starting in 1939, and receiving its first funding of $6,000 in 1940, the project took 5 years to develop an atomic bomb. The final cost was approximately $23 billion (inflation-adjusted).In contrast, OWS, a name borrowed from Star Trek, took just over 8 months to complete at a cost of approximately $18 billion. OWS was first publicly revealed on April 20, 2020, and officially announced on May 15, with the first dose of vaccine authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on December 11.
Remember Donald’s answer to the ventilator shortage… He quickly found or made them such that tens of thousands were never used but are still in storage? Obviously, Trump would employ the US military and private airlines to import massive amounts of baby formula, so much that every store would be bulging at the seams. Trump would do it so fast the story would be off the front pages in a week.

As US Babies Starve… We’re giving away our baby formula at the border. Sadly, Joe Biden, distracted by his regime’s 24/7/365 mission to downsize America – and his own dementia, could hardly be expected to focus on such a minor issue. Yet, As American families deal with this shortage across the US, a Florida Republican lawmaker has released images of dozens of boxes of the coveted product at a migrant processing facility near the US-Mexico border.

Rep. Kat Cammack shared pictures of “pallets” of infant formula at the Ursula Migrant Processing Center in McAllen, Texas on her Twitter and Facebook pages Wednesday:

“The first photo is from this morning at the Ursula Processing Center at the U.S. border. Shelves and pallets packed with baby formula,” she wrote in a tweet accompanying side-by-side photographs of full and bare shelves. “The second is from a shelf right here at home. Formula is scarce. This is what America last looks like.”

A Sick Old Man, Abused by Marxist Monsters: Sadly, Joe is being used as a human puppet to project the desires of his heartless, far-left staff. He can’t defend himself, let alone America from this Marxism, and so his reputation is being destroyed worse than Satan’s. Joe himself doesn’t have the mental acuity to care for anyone else, let alone America's babies. Meanwhile, these anti-Americans are drowning the US in disasters hoping to make us defunct before Joe is finally Impeached. But friends, if that is their goal, they underestimated America’s patriots. Because who is bound to come roaring back in 2024 to cancel and mop up this socialist orgy? You guessed it, sportfans!

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