Pol Pot's Cambodia: A History of Communism

2 years ago

Communist societies have directly resulted in millions of deaths. Inspired by Marxist-Leninism, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge rise to power led to the death of nearly a fourth of the Cambodian population.

"Only three Khmer Rouge leaders have ever been sentenced... In August 2014, Nuon Chea - considered Brother Number 2 to Pol Pot - and the regime's head of state Khieu Samphan were jailed for life for crimes against humanity." - Khmer Rouge: Cambodia's years of brutality, BBC News

Watch our sixth episode of Great Unwashed for a quick history lesson on Pol Pot's Cambodia.

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Read our article on USA Inquirer - https://www.usainquirer.com/history-of-communism-pol-pots-cambodia/



"Pol Pot the Journey to the Killing Fields"
BBC Timewatch

"Pol Pot Biography"
Encyclopedia of World Biography

"Pol Pot"

"Khmer Rouge: Cambodia's years of brutality"
BBC News

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