World Economic Forum : Re-Calibration of HUMAN RIGHT

2 years ago

Annual Meeting WEF:
"We Need a Re-calibration of Human Rights Like Freedom of Speech"

Julie Inman Grant, Australia’s eSafety Commissioner, speaks at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022 in Davos:

“We need a re-calibration of a whole range of human rights that are playing out online, from freedom of speech to be free from online violence."

Indonesian Text below

Julie Inman Grant, Komisaris eSafety Australia, berbicara pada Pertemuan Tahunan Forum Ekonomi Dunia 2022 di Davos:

"Kami membutuhkan kalibrasi ulang dari berbagai macam hak asasi manusia yang dimainkan secara online, mulai dari kebebasan berbicara hingga bebas dari kekerasan online."

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