Dr. Rauni Kilde said 1960s wireless Brainchip Called Rambo-chip Tests in Vietnam

2 years ago

Dr. Kilde was right, we only die with old age as the Creator-God keeps our consciousness in tune with many surviving probable-worlds. All-That-Is teaches us that our perception presents life as a single time-line when we are actually multidimensional beyond time. She wrote a book called" We Do Not Die" Only other people die until we pack-it-in for ourselves. Dr. Kilde died, but you see, you did not die and she lived on in some other probable world where she did not desire to die so early. This is how the Creator-God gives everyone a full life... nobody who does not commit suicide is cut-off from the probabilities within the massively super-complex multiverse that we all live to old age within.
The murderous wwCult (like Freemasons) on the other hand change their souls into individual and wicked decay. A collective of murderous thUgs like the Mystery School Cult will branch-off into a probable world sector of the multiverse where they will be allowed their chosen self-annihilation. Physical reality is a training grounds where many collective idiots need to learn their lessons. The "dumb-sheep" will not be terminated within their own collective probable world... they are not murderous thUgs, so they do not have to experience a self-annihilation like the old Atlanteans experienced. The "New Atlanteans" have not learned how to behave yet and thus they will need to experiences the repercussions of genociding their own species away. They will be annihilated along with their ancient masters and this is good because they will learn the Creator-God is physically within them, giving them their probabilities. It is sad and yet it is good that the training grounds is almost perfectly designed to teach the spiritual-morons (like treacherous and murderous and conspiratorial thUgs) that all life is precious, not just their own lives or their Cult's wishes.
The Cult-thUgs have yet to learn that when the Cult dries-up and blows away, the only things left in their lives are thUgs. Unloving, self-righteous, backstabbing, fragmented souls that get packed away into a kind of spiritual black-box to fester amoungst themselves and be forgotten in their various, decaying states of mind.
This is the path of the Freemasons who try to murder other people, but don't stop to think why they cannot murder just one simple guy.
I offered the thUgs the greatescpe.ezyro.com to choose between a good universe and their wicked-world... they have all chosen to find Oblivion's tall Gates. There is no "Hell" on the other side, but in their minds their likely should be and thus could be. But the unworthy soul-fragments will be offered to be assimilated back into their Source as a failed soul attempt that gave-up seeking it's own path in exchange for a deceptive, fake-path of the Homo capensis Cult and thus lost all hope for growing it's true love into some more than what it was originally given from it's loving Source. A good example is what I see Castro doing here: https://ugetube.com/watch/please-tell-me-he-039-ll-hang-for-this_3QOPav8rb9GT9lf.html His path is towards Oblivion's Gates.

Rauni Kilde ended up in a hospital where she was surrounded by the Medical-Mafia who run every hospital. She died in her home https://newsinsideout.com/2015/02/eucach-director-dr-rauni-kilde-radiated-four-days-dew-remotely-assassinated-nsa/

Rauni auto-wrote her book "There is No Death", "Kuolemaa ei ole"... This fits into the Seth-Books description about our version of physical reality. But in this interview she seems to have been heavily influenced by the Mystery School Cult... The Cult tried driving their beliefs into Jane Roberts psychic classes, but Seth was able to remove most Cult influences out of the Seth-Book and that is why they are suppressed... like Rauni, but Rauni was mislead to believe in aliens beyond Homo capensis.

Wiki (like always) associates Kilde with aliens and fronts like the Bilderbergs when the instigator behind the fronts are the Knights Templar and Freemasons guided by the Homo capensis species that run the Vatican and all banking today. The ancient thUgs are rather long-lived due to ancient A.I. designed genetic engineering. It takes a critical-thinking mind to see through all the facades and those are usually culled before they can expose the basis of the wwCult. You must take it upon your own shoulders to correct your personalized world within the multiverse. You need to see through the probable worlds since you are made immortal due to the Creator-Gods' design of the multidimensional universe or multiverse. (read the Seth-Books to learn more https://ugetube.com/watch/seth-speaks-introduction-by-jane-roberts-1-of-2-readings-by-tim-hart_9BGBmQ8jUYL9B9G.html )

Hospitals are always places of death because the medical-mafia assassins feel safe to "conduct business" there. Hospitals come from the ancient order of the Knights Hospitaliers(serving Homo capensis) who got started along with the Knights Templars(first international bankers serving Homo capensis).

Find a private doctor who is not sworn to the wwCult if you want to heal properly. The last time I spent a night in the hospital after an accident, I had a new broken rib in the morning that I didn't have the night before. The medical-mafia have energy beams which keep you unconscious even if they amputate anything without anesthesia. No lingering drugs after the energy beam is release... It is likely used by thUg-date-rapes, too. (no signs of being drugged)

Nano-surveillance uses a technology called "Celdar." It is a cellular radar vision that can interface with the hivemind brainchip within the rebuilt electronic Tower-Of-Babel. tob.ezyro.com I will have to post Dr. Barrie Trower's exposure of "Celdar" on Ugetube. next https://ugetube.com/watch/dr-barrie-trower-explains-celdar-or-microwave-nano-radar-at-9-minutes_8sGpoVm1pVOcVOc.html

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