Snack Episode 4 - New Year New Tech Resolutions

2 years ago

Hello and welcome to the Forth Tech@Lunch Snack episode and Happy New Year. The snack episodes are smaller episodes where we cover a singular topic in less than 15 minutes, so you the listener can listen to them when you are taking a break, getting coffee, or having a snack. This week’s Snack topic is A New Year New Tech Resolution. When entering a new year we make resolutions and when dealing with tech we make Tech Resolutions. A Tech Resolution is where we make a yearly resolution to learn more about tech than we have before. That can be a new system we want to learn to a new programing language that caught our eye. We attempt to bring those resolutions to light and empower our listeners to make a Tech Resolution and stick to it in 2022. So join us as we dive into A New Year New Tech Resolution.

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