PFREI Series Episode 82: Brandon Barnes

3 years ago

In today’s episode of Passion for Real Estate Investments, Founder of Send More Offers, Brandon Barnes, talks about wholesaling.

Prior to investing in real estate, Brandon worked as a production supervisor. After being fired from his job, Brandon made the decision to start investing in real estate through wholesaling. A year after founding his real estate company, Brandon stepped away from his day-to-day duties, and now focuses on building the business and leading his team. Brandon gives back through the Send More Offers Coaching Program, where he teaches others to make money in real estate. Brandon is also the owner of REI Live! Atlanta, a monthly meetup group.

How is Brandon able to continuously find the right deals for wholesaling? He tells us about dealing with competition, how he’s pivoted his business to weather the Covid-19 pandemic, and how he determines the value of a property virtually. Brandon also talks about his favorite tools, his educational initiatives, and hiring VAs.

If you’re interested in becoming a wholesaler, or you want to learn about the advantages of wholesaling, or you’re looking for a way to get into real estate investing, this episode is for you.

Highlights from the interview
* Wholesaling is “the art of finding off-market properties at a discount.”
* “Timing is everything. If you can get in front of the right person at the right time, just when they need you, you’re in the best shot to be able to make that homeowner a client and, ultimately, a customer of yours.”
* “We deliver an offer to absolutely everybody that we speak to.”
* “We’re truth-tellers, and we’re looking for truth-seekers.”
* Brandon’s Virtual Assistants generate at least 20 leads every week.

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