FBI Director Just Revealed Something Shocking

1 year ago

We cannot overstate the severity of what we’ve just learned Iran attempted to do last summer.

Even as the Biden Administration was attempting to negotiate a new nuclear deal, Iran was plotting to hurt – and likely kill – our children.

FBI Director Christopher Wray announced yesterday that the FBI learned of and subsequently thwarted a despicable Iranian-sponsored planned cyberattack on Boston Children's Hospital. Wray described it as “one of the most despicable cyberattacks I’ve seen.”

Iran – the world’s number one state sponsor of terrorism – used Iranian sponsored hackers to launch a cyberattack against the hospital. This is beyond a cyberattack on a bank or a corporation, which is bad enough. This was an attempted attack on the lives and safety of innocent children. It’s not just that they could’ve caused chaos in the hospital’s records system or stolen patient records. Boston Children’s is a medical research hospital and shares a network with other similar facilities. These Iranian-backed hackers could have stolen critical medical research records.

And maybe more terrifying, these hospitals depend on computers and machines for medical procedures and even surgeries. Imagine a defenseless sick child undergoing some critical medical procedure or robotic surgery and Iran shuts down the system, or worse. It’s beyond evil.

Thankfully the FBI and the Boston Children’s Hospital’s cyber team took swift action to block the attack before it could truly become a problem. Had they not caught it when they did, it’s hard to imagine what might have happened.

Iran continues to prove it cannot be trusted. It has no respect for human life. Not even the lives of innocent children. And what’s incomprehensible to us is that even knowing about this, President Joe Biden is still pushing to work out a nuclear deal with Iran.

And even if they do bring Iran to the negotiating table, under the terms of the original Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) or as it’s often referred to, the Iran nuclear deal, the Biden Administration won’t even be allowed to mention this gutless attack.

ACLJ Senior Advisor for Military Affairs Col. Wes Smith explained:

"Under the original agreements of the JCPOA as that was hammered out by the Obama Administration, the two things that they agreed they would not address was Iran’s ballistic missile program, and their terror activity. Believe it or not we’re negotiating with the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism but in our negotiations we can’t bring that up. That was in the original JCPOA so when the new talks began in Vienna last year under the Biden Administration, those same agreements apply. They are talking about nuclear enrichment only. They cannot bring up terror, and this attack on Boston Children’s [Hospital] was a terror attack, and they cannot bring up Iran’s ballistic missile program."

So our President wants to equip Iran with the resources and funds it needs to obtain its own nuclear weapons program, which it may be very close to already, but he won’t even be allowed to confront them on their planned attack on children? What world is this?

We were also joined by special guest Senator Marco Rubio to discuss another issue endangering America’s children: school safety. Sen. Rubio has put forward two bills to help protect our kids.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast is complete with further in-depth analysis of Iran’s attempted cyberattack, and ACLJ Senior Director for Global Affairs (and former Secretary of State) Mike Pompeo who shared his unique analysis of the human rights crisis in China.

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